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  1. N

    Memory stick Pro Duo

    There are cableless OTG flash drives. Though I am unsure if they meet your arbitrary requirements...
  2. N

    Ram Poll.

    Good point!
  3. N

    Ram Poll.

    When making the decision one not only has to consider the practical aspects but also marketing. Will enough people looking at the specs when first encountering the Pyra be more likely to make a purchase if it says XGB RAM (also noting the cost and battery life). Will enough people be swayed by...
  4. N

    USB Type-C connectors showed up at Digikey...

    Well I am probably not going to buy a Pyra any time soon, I will probably end up with the Pyra 2 (Pandora 3?) :-P So my opinion and preferences don't matter much. But I have vowed to avoid buying any new technology without USB Type-C if possible. I want to minimize the amount of time where I...
  5. N

    Ram Poll.

    At time of posting exactly 50% of voters voted for 4GB or more. 
  6. N

    What would you like to see?

    Wait we might get steam on the Pyra?
  7. N

    Memory stick Pro Duo

    Didn't Victorinox produce 1TB usb drives? Also, I think the Pyra has an otg port? You can get OTG flash drives.
  8. N

    Anyone want some tinybobs and ext connectors already assembled

    Hmm this forum didn't message me to tell me that this topic had been replied to. Make an offer for them, I want to sell them as a lot, I have 7. There are two reasons to sell as a lot, first is to save me time and effort, I just want to offload them and maybe get a little coin. Second, I cannot...
  9. N

    Anyone want some tinybobs and ext connectors already assembled

    So I have 8 7 (I miscounted) connectors soldered to tinybobs, they aren't being used right now, anyone want some?
  10. N

    East Coast Pandora Get-Together

    Can you use your mod powers to let me change my vote?
  11. N

    East Coast Pandora Get-Together

    What about Montreal?
  12. N

    Elite: Dangerous

    The problem is that EVE Online and Vendetta Online are pretty much modern versions of Elite.
  13. N

    Does anyone have a timeline for blue-tooth controllers in emulators?

    This should be possible with currently available software tools, someone more knowledgeable than me will answer soon.
  14. N

    Frustrated beyond belief

    If you like you can look at it this way. You did something bad or are going to soon and this is your punishment. This means you have gotten your punishment out of the way! You should be thanking the people who caused you these problems. All that said, this is a pretty crappy experience for you...
  15. N

    What did the team do, in order to make Pandora audio output so good?

    You can get them from for cheap, if you do this please let me know if you get it working!
  16. N

    Cute new Pandora user

    I will get pictures of my friends babies using my Pandora.
  17. N

    what have i missed?

    Wow, thats great!
  18. N

    Pixels Per Inch?

    It is 216.97 Stats here: Calculator here: Few people understood what PPI was before the "retina" display was released. Few people understood what resolution was before HDTV displays came out.
  19. N

    Please upvote the iControlPad2 KickStarter posts on Slashdot

    I can't find the story, what is the title?