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  1. R

    Wii: Uk Reaction

    Yes you can, I bought two for Gamecube and VC games. It's really nice to have all controllers wireless.
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    Davec Dpad Mods Still Available?

    I just got my modded GP2X back and it's brilliant. I had problems with diagonals and moving left was always a struggle but now it's completely responsive. The pad actually feels more natural than the buttons :) I'm very happy with this mod. Many thanks to both ED and DaveC. Also: it looks...
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    Needing Help With Actoinscript Programming..

    I don't know actionscript but the logic behind it is the same: if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) AND player._x IS SMALLER THAN (say) 600{ player._x += 15; Same idea for moving left.
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    Which D-pad To Use For Mod?

    Hurray they are there, ordered before they are all gone... With gmenu2x replacing the default firmware this is the only thing I wanted to change to my GP2X (well maybe a volume wheel or slider would have been nice ;) ). The stick has been driving me crazy from the beginning. DaveC's cap was a...
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    I'm having the same problems (using firmware 2.0): screen just turns black and nothing happens.
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    Just Got A Nintendo Wii

    I didn't really pre-order but ordered one from a postorder company (hoping not many people would) and it arrived today. I love the controls andd I think Wii Sports is a lot of fun. Getting a classic controller and some virtual console games next :-) I'm also staring at two micro-sd cards which...
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    Motion Sickness While Playing Fps's?

    I can't play any 3D games without getting sick. I used to be a 'gamer' until everything turned 3D. I loved lots of different genres on different platforms (PC, handhelds, consoles) but I can't enjoy any games in 3D :-(. I don't get sick in cars or on boats but I do get motionsick watching 3D...
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    Neogeo Help Please Please

    GnGeo2x does this for you, it may take a while and you need some space on your sd-card.
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    Everyone's Having Neo Geo Issues

    Rage2x runs all games with the global settings unless you make a special cf file for a game and specifically tell it to run the game with that cf file. I run all games with the global settings and only create a cf file for a game that requires special settings (like raster enabled). I haven't...
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    Help Need Sound With Neogeo Gngeo2x

    Again, in Rage2x press select. This time select cpu speed and change it by moving the stick left or right. Overclock as much as needed for smooth gameplay, if the emulator freezes just turn your GP2x of and on and lower the cpu speed a bit. Check all the available options in Rage2x while you...
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    Neo Geo For A Complete Beginner

    Download the latest GnGeo2x and the latest Rage2x. Extract GnGeo2x into a folder with the name you want, now extract Rage2x into that folder. When you extract GnGeo2x it will create a 'roms' folder. Get a bios (unibios works perfect for me) and extract it into the roms folder (doesn't matter if...
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    Help Need Sound With Neogeo Gngeo2x

    Start Rage2x, press the select button and choose activate sound.
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    Problems With Metal Slug 3 Freezing On The First Level.

    I wouldn't overclock at all (to try), how are your batteries?
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    Problems With Metal Slug 3 Freezing On The First Level.

    I had no problems in the first level. MK1, firmware 2, fixed MS3 with the latest GnGeo2x. Using unibios, clocked at 250 and taking route number 3 (first being the submarine, second the boat and third the - what I guess would be a - mineshaft)
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    I Smoke Cigaretttes...

    Smoked for years but I stopped four years ago after watching The Insider. I wanted to quit before (and tried a few times) but after watching this movie I got pissed off at the tobacco-companies and quit cold turkey. It wasn't easy for a while and sometimes I miss rolling cigaret-tes but I don't...
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    Replacement Interface

    I would love to see something like YAFL (think PalmOS for those who don't know YAFL) for the GP2X. It's a bit like DaveC's idea but without the categories showing, these appear in a list in a textbox after pushing a button. Check the YAFL homepage or the icons section on my site for examples of...
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    Mamegp2x 1.5

    Actually it's quite easy to get any old romset working if you use the rollback torrent. It has all changes made to the roms over time so you can convert new roms back to a previous state.
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    Choose Your Mod :)

    I don't know if he wants the job and he's a bit quiet lately but I think trooper would be a good moderator. Vimacs would be fine too, sure he had this 'period' for a while but before and after that he could pass for a decent human being.
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    I have tried a few more rounds of Jazz Jackrabbit using openjazz on the pc. I can't make the airjump anymore, I have tried a number of times but am getting tired of it (or rather my arms are). I don't think I made this clear though: I couldn't make Jazz jump while in the air in the entire...
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    Openjazz V0.0.1 Available :)

    I have tried a few more rounds of Jazz jackrabbit using openjazz on the pc. I can't make the airjump anymore, I have tried a number of times but am getting tired of it (or rather my arms are). I don't think I made this clear though: I couldn't make Jazz jump while in the air in the entire...