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  1. FBnil

    Amiga Thread.
  2. FBnil

    (Bad)Joke Appreciation Corner

    This guy was trying to explain to me the complex principles of umbrella construction and demonstrated how they work by opening it. Needless to say it went over my head. 1665526471 I tried to organize a professional seek-and-hide tournament, but it was a complete success. Hard players are good...
  3. FBnil

    Absurdism corner

  4. FBnil

    Commodore 64

    Too lazy to create a C64 bitmap logo? Make one online:
  5. FBnil

    Amiga Thread.

  6. FBnil

    Commodore 64

    unrelated: how did you find the "Sir Arthur - A brilliant PETSCII preview of Ghosts 'n Goblins for the C64" (preview) game? (sorry, can't post link) I found it cool they used the original Ghost&Goblins song. But tbh I like the music for the C64 better. The zombies spawn too nearby, so you...
  7. FBnil

    Commodore 64

    Giana Sisters TTF? Here it is (and other cool fonts): All Petscii to Unicode: Be sure to visit the top-level of that directory, they have tons of goodies, like...
  8. FBnil

    Commodore 64

    That Pig's Quest looks sweet:
  9. FBnil

    Awful game ideas.

    "Into the Evil Dragon's Nest." A cross between Lupenio, Sabouteur,. and Into the eagle's nest.
  10. FBnil

    The Caring Corner :)

    Normal people are loglevel='CRITICAL', some are loglevel='INFO', he's loglevel='DEBUG'. Be glad it's not TRACE. ps: will you ever be taking off the mask in your avatar?
  11. FBnil

    (Bad)Joke Appreciation Corner

    I don't think you shower periodically.
  12. FBnil

    (Bad)Joke Appreciation Corner

    You know what's really odd? Numbers not divisible by 2.
  13. FBnil

    The Caring Corner :)

    1665341250 So we'll get flooded with Reddit people? That does indeed not look too good. It looks like you got either an allergic reaction due to contamination. For example walking on contaminated sand and encountering something sharp that helps enter that contamination through your skin. Could...
  14. FBnil

    War in Ukraine
  15. FBnil

    The Communication Cube

    “If you are depressed you are living in the past if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present.” —Lao Tzu
  16. FBnil

    What have you bought recently?

    Tidy! What's connected to the Startec KVM?
  17. FBnil

    Absurdism corner

    Wow... that's a nice concept. In the PS4 Spiderman game, they let the VoiceActor record his lines twice: When standing still (normal), or when web-slinging (panting+shouting a little). As the game involves making phonecalls and having conversations, this blends well. The Transitions between...
  18. FBnil

    The Caring Corner :)

    Every Italian will tell you there is a difference between Italian Pizza from a restaurant.... and FastFood Pizza. Some Italians even don't classify that London pizza as "Pizza" but as "inedible". For example, here is a Dutch Pizza Restaurant... that also happens to sell Pizza...
  19. FBnil

    The Caring Corner :)

    @JDTAY Can you walk a little, or not at all, like, hop barely to the toilet? Do you keep the feet up all day to "rest" the foot/feet? Do you have binoculars to at least watch the outside? looks nice.
  20. FBnil

    The Caring Corner :)

    You, my friend, take text too literally. I did not say that, I did not accuse you of that. >>and the situation wasn't a drama But you make it sound like one. Like I said, let JDTAY speak his mind.