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  1. dgame

    Release lighttpd test PND

    I recently made a DVD with the Angstrom repo and Mongoose web server so I can use it offline. That still required a Windows machine to act as the server. With lighttpd I can put the repo on the SD card, serve it, and access it ( using the Pandora alone. B) Thanks for the utility and...
  2. dgame

    Release SnapSnap: Take easy screenshots (repo release)

    Hi Gruso, Line 10 in as a typo, it references mmcblk0p which should be mmcblk0 (without the 'p' at the end) More info here Nice utility, thanks!
  3. dgame

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    Yes, the SnapSnap Timer in the SnapSnap Screenshot Utility However on my system (1.60RC) the SnapSnap Screenshot Utility tries to write to NAND. Line 10 in as a typo, it references mmcblk0p which should be mmcblk0...
  4. dgame

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    I took some screenshots of the status screen in Skies of Arcadia. The shadows obscure a lot of the information. I also included a VMU save (NTSC-U) at the first save point after the lengthy intro. Remove .txt extension to test. Load the save game and press the Pandora A button to bring...
  5. dgame

    Pandora Git on the Pandora

    The Angstrom repo is back up but at a different URL:
  6. dgame

    Connect a Pyra to the Pyra?

    Uh-oh: <google translated, emphasis mine>
  7. dgame

    Should Pyra have a Camera?

    I do not want a camera on a handheld computer. Vote. Discuss.
  8. dgame

    USB wifi stick with removable antenna

    Realtek 8188 cu and Realtek 8192 cu devices (and others) work on the Pandora without any additional drivers. Search for those on eBay.
  9. dgame

    That feeling when you find out your missing favorite childhood toy is now rare and expensive.

    I was starting to think that about the Flagman Game & Watch. I did not remember that mine was missing the silver faceplate so it was all orange in my mind. I thought it might be a knockoff because I didn't see a picture of in on the Game & Watch wiki. Turns out it is the only one on the wiki...
  10. dgame

    That feeling when you find out your missing favorite childhood toy is now rare and expensive.

    I used to have this Game and Watch type thing that played like Simon in one mode and it also had this repeat game. It was orange. It was fun to play. That’s all I remembered. I got it as a kindergartener and by the time I could fully read all of the markings had worn off. The sad thing is I had...
  11. dgame

    Release Mupen64Plus 2.2

    Goldeneye has improved with the glide64mk2 video plugin and SGX 4.10. Has nice resolution with most graphics and visual effects now being shown. Very playable at 1000 MHz. 
  12. dgame

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    I found an error on line 69 which prevented directories with spaces from being recalled correctly. Line 69 should be: cd "$(dirname "${CDFILE}")" I edited the runscript.diff in the quote above (and in the original post) with the correction. Thanks for working on this and all the other Pandora...
  13. dgame

    Release Mupen64Plus 2.2

    Is it possible to use the right nub for C buttons? I tried Qjoypad but Mupen64 seems to ignore it. Anyone have a working solution? Thanks!
  14. dgame

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    Tested both PNDs you posted today and they seem faster. The sound stuttering is slightly reduced. More sound effects can be heard than before. I was having a problem with the not remembering file names with spaces and not selecting the previous file as you intended. So I made a few...
  15. dgame

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    I don’t have access to a Mac to test it, but I found and attached ( an Intel Mac OSX build of chdman version 0144. You most likely have to have to use it from a command line like the Windows and Pandora versions of chdman I posted. $ ./chdman -createcd Skies1.gdi...
  16. dgame

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    Compiled and attached a Pandora native chdman version 145 ( command line application. Converts GDI folders to the much smaller and singular CHD V4 files using MAME's CHD manager. Use it from a terminal on the Pandora: $ ./chdman -createcd Skies1.gdi Skies1.chd CHDs...
  17. dgame

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    The MAME CHD V4 format works with Reicast. Change line 70 in to  CDFILE=`zenity --file-selection $OLDSELECT --file-filter=" "*.cdi" "*.chd" "*.gdi" "*.iso" "`  so CHD files show up in the browser. You can convert GDI folders to the much smaller and singular CHD files using MAME's...
  18. dgame

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    If you change Line 70 in to  CDFILE=`zenity --file-selection $OLDSELECT --file-filter=" "*.cdi" "*.gdi" "*.iso" "`  then you can browse for all of the types at once. SGX 4.10 seems to be best for Reicast. It solves the most of the 3D texture issues I was experiencing in Skies of...
  19. dgame

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    The time does not seem to advance in-game.
  20. dgame

    Release REICAST - Dreamcast Emulator

    On the 1 Ghz the 4.03 GPU/SGX driver seems faster but it does not do the lighting effects correctly. In Skies of Arcadia many of the visual lighting effects (lens flare, flashy magic, etc.) don't show up or are incorrect when using the 4.03 driver. I use found here: