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  • Users: jbr
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  1. J

    Release Gngeo 0.8.2

    This is great information; thanks a lot. In addition to shuffling the player 1 controls around on the keyboard, though, is it possible to map the analog stick to the directional controls (this would make it easier to perform circle motions in fighters, I think)? This sounds like a non-trivial...
  2. J

    Release C/C++ Development Tools

    I'm having the exact same problem. That is also the same as my output upon executing the pnd in a clean environment as described. The gravamen of the issue seems to be "usr/bin/gcc: Operation not permitted" and the other similar errors. This pnd is an awesome idea, and it will save me from...
  3. J

    Pandora has no competition?

    This pretty much sums it up exactly. I can do pretty much all the same things (and more) that I could do with a Pandora on my Android phone, but I'm still looking forward to getting my Pandy soon. (been waiting since day 1... it shouldn't be long now...) The Pandora is basically a case of...
  4. J

    Smaller, Cheaper, Faster than the Pandora

    I'm not really concerned with comparing Raspberry Pi to Pandora, because, well, yeah, they are pretty obviously different devices for different purposes. The information in this thread about the comparative beefyness of ARM11 vs Cortex-A8 is useful, of course, but it doesn't factor in to my...
  5. J

    Last Of The Mahicans (?)

    I'm in the same boat. First day pre-order, just got my email a couple days ago. I received my original confirmation email around 23:30 UTC on September 30th, IIRC. When the credit card fiasco went down, I repayed by check in the mail, which I fear may have bumped back my queue position. If you...
  6. J

    Pandora production statistics

    I'm going to be more than a little pissed... well, more pissed than I have been so far, anyway (which is basically "not at all"), if that is the case. I ordered around 2300 GMT on September 30th, 2008 (or whatever the first day was), and I have been working under the impression that I am...
  7. J

    Saturn Emulation on Pandora

    Currently, the only open source saturn emulator that is able to run on non-x86 platforms is Yabause, which is actually a likely candidate for a Pandora port. It has been ported to the Wii, the PSP, even the Dreamcast. Now, that aside, Yabause is not really a very good emulator at this point. I...
  8. J

    Preformance/Usability questions

    Ah, this is a very informative thread! This part, however, bothers me a little. I assume this means that music playback is still being done software-only, and that being the case, I know I can't expect performance to be exceptional, but does anyone know if MP3 decoding (for example) is going...
  9. J

    MAME4All Favorites

    Smash TV "TOTAT CARNAGE! I love it!"
  10. J

    Best of Atari 2600

    Pitfall and Pitfall II are pretty much IT as far as Atari 2600 games that I would still want to play today. The Frogger port is pretty good, but you can play Frogger on any number of better platforms. Ms. Pacman on the 2600 is also decent... at least it isn't the failure that plain old Pacman...
  11. J

    Best NES Games

    I feel like EVERYTHING is going to be mentioned here, so I'll try to not name the obvious... Micromachines offers awesome and unique gameplay on pretty much any platform, and it's great to play with a friend. The NES release is no exception. RC ProAm is another fun "toy" racing game, but...
  12. J

    Best Mega Drive / Genesis games

    It's gotta be: Singleplayer: Sonic the Hedgehog (and sequels), for that classic fast-paced Sega platforming action Vectorman, because it's cooler than Donkey Kong Country Ecco the Dolphin, because it's like Zelda but with cute, highly skilled animals. Multiplayer: Gunstar Heroes, for...
  13. J

    why are we talking about a 2nd batch?

    The issue here, and the reason why it is appropriate for OpenPandora to be talking about batch 2 already, is one of... process, I guess. The first batch is taking forever because it is just that, the first. We've been talking about the first batch for years, because EVERYTHING had to happen...
  14. J

    New users, say hello

    Hellollo, official Pandora boards. I'm one of the many still-waiting first batchers, but I guess now is as good a time as any to get back into the community.
  15. J

    The Op Theme

    Love this... Don't forget about "what's your order number?", by the way!
  16. J

    Anyone Get There Tracking/shipping Email Yet?

    T_T Why did I order with the "airmail" shipping option? Why? What's a few extra bucks compared to a few extra days in almost two years? Actually, wait, I've been waiting so long, why do I suddenly feel like I can't wait any longer? Must be jealousy, I guess...
  17. J

    Usa Shipment Method - What Will It Be?

    Really? I've never had anything I bought shipped to me via FedEx... UPS or USPS seems much more likely... unless it was being shipped from another country, in which case I would guess DHL.
  18. J

    New Ti-Openmax 0.4.1

    Confused about this... Is this just ARM optimized h264 playback or is it h264 decoding with the DSP? My primary goal for the pandora has become to use it as a portable media player, so I want to figure out exactly what I can expect to be able to play on it hassle free. I'm assuming h264 video...
  19. J

    Poll Time, Fellas =]

    Selling games from ten or twenty years ago is just plain greedy. Plenty of games from around that time were made by companies that don't even exist anymore, but most of the good games were first party (and of course Nintendo and Sega still exist) or major third party (Square, Rare), and...
  20. J

    Pandora Pandora-psp

    You know what I think this really means? The fact that knowledgeable developers are beginning to undertake projects once thought to be impossible in scope as soon as they become familiar with the Pandora's hardware means that it really must be mind-blowingly powerful to behold. They take one...