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  • Users: MattF
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  1. M

    SD Slot #2 seems to have died...

    Those last two suggestions require things I don't have available - and I've now got it nicely packaged up ready to go in the post tomorrow, so I'll just go with sending it back.
  2. M

    SD Slot #2 seems to have died...

    I've now tried that, left it out for well over an hour, no change. Got an email back from Debs today with relevant RMA information, so I'll get this posted off for repair/replace.
  3. M

    SD Slot #2 seems to have died...

    Thanks for the quick and clear response, I've emailed Craig's store.
  4. M

    SD Slot #2 seems to have died...

    The right-side SD slot on my Pandora seems to have died. It doesn't seem to register any card-inserts, the relevant activity LED briefly flickers, but they don't mount and appear on the desktop. Putting the same SDHC cards in to the left-side slot has them work properly, but the card that...
  5. M

    Pandora reading light.

    I have no idea, sorry! It's not a super-powerful LED, does not get noticeably warm when in use, but I don't have any definite references for it nor any way to measure the current draw. LEDs are pretty efficient though, so I suspect it wouldn't be too horrendous. Probably more efficient than...
  6. M

    ASDA selling Pandora accessories! (warning, 650kb of photos)

    On the subject of plugging things in and being pleasantly surprised when they work, I present "Pandora as a DVD player": (that's a Samsung external usb2.0 DVDRW drive at the bottom) I encountered the following issues: The drive couldn't actually spin the disc up enough to read it when...
  7. M

    ASDA selling Pandora accessories! (warning, 650kb of photos)

    I think you're always going to need a hub with a USB mouse, or an adaptor to use the smaller "OTG" port, because I can't imagine any USB mouse implementing USB2.0 Hi-Speed when they don't have any use for it. Bluetooth would probably be the way to go - and then as a bonus you don't have any...
  8. M

    Pandora reading light.

    Or, get a USB-powered flexible LED lamp thingy. The one I have is made by Trust and is kinda supposed to be a "keyboard light for using your laptop in the dark". It even works when the Pandora is put in soft-off / suspend mode (whatever the proper name for "flick the power switch to the...
  9. M

    Your pandora has been shipped

    How do you see that they are "only dispatching Premium orders"? You don't. All you see is that the only reports people are posting is dispatches of Premiums. You have no evidence about other dispatches one way or the other.
  10. M

    ASDA selling Pandora accessories! (warning, 650kb of photos)

    A couple of things I picked up from my local Asda recently are great Pandora accessories. (Said local Asda is fairly large and is an open-24h one. I have no idea if either of these products are big-branch-only.) First up, a very suitable USB hub. (Yes, tested - definitely makes a...
  11. M

    Supported SDHC cards

    I have that exact configuration of 2 x 16gb cards (Transcend class 10) and they're working fine in my Pandora. The extra speed will be handy for loading stuff on to them from my desktop PC, or if I swap one of them in to use in a camera.
  12. M

    Quality Control

    There is an important difference between a button working in terms of "you press it and the system can recognise it", and people liking the tactile response. My L-side shoulder button was a bit weird, I had to press the button fairly firmly to get it to register. I decided I wanted it to...
  13. M

    I'm an idiot

    The nubs also don't need much force to move them, so you don't need to push down or across very hard to get them to max deflection and keep them there. They suit mouse-mode pretty nicely, as well as games.
  14. M

    Mifi or USB 3G?

    With a Mifi-type unit, you also have the advantage of not having to plug a dongle in to the back of the Pandora and then unplug it again every time you need to put the Pandy back in your pocket or bag. You can extend a Mifi's run-time by hooking it up to a portable USB gadget-charger (which is...
  15. M

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    I'm just as happy with the "First Batch" sticker, and I'll probably get some Moo stickers done up for decorating the lid. (In random 8/16-bit video game themes, I think) I decided to open it up and briefly meddle with the shoulder buttons - one of them didn't have a foam sticky thing, the...
  16. M

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    Sorry, no - England here. I don't know how quickly UPS gets stuff cleared through customs, but they probably have that to do before moving it over to where-ever their West Coast hub is.
  17. M

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    My Premium-Pandora just got here! It already had the battery in and it seems like the long first boot had already been done. It came up very rapidly to the "Pandora's box has been opened" setup process. Packaging did smell a little bit smokey, but the pandy itself only really smells of new...
  18. M

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    My new-order-from-scratch Premium Pandora cost a total of £379.19 (copied and pasted straight out of the Google Checkout email). That is without accessories, but inclusive of 20%-rate VAT and courier (UPS) delivery - I'm also a UK buyer. £379.19 - £279.99 = £99.20
  19. M

    What's happening today

    Today, someone shipped my Pandora. Premium-order, really has actually left the building because I now have a UPS tracking # :D
  20. M

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    If I remember correctly, they haven't been manufactured yet. The Premium order process is all about selling things that they have, or are confident they will have produced, within that 7-day time frame.