Search results

  1. D

    I May Have Done The Gp2x An Injustice ...

    some of you have had this dilemma before. a guy at work saw my gp2x during lunch. he then asked me something along the lnes of "you know the games on a pc, how do you get them to work?" "what do you mean?" "well, my friend just clicks something on his pc and he gets all the games" :unsure...
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    Made The Classic Mistake Of Showing A Dumb Arse My Gp2x

    well, havent i just talked about the gp2x? i would have thought that was on topic for 'general gp2x talk' ? maybe i should just find another thread with a similar sentiment and post there...
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    Made The Classic Mistake Of Showing A Dumb Arse My Gp2x

    some of you have had this dilemma before. a guy at work saw my gp2x during lunch. he then asked me something along the lnes of "you know the games on a pc, how do you get them to work?" "what do you mean?" "well, my friend just clicks something on his pc and he gets all the games" :unsure...
  4. D

    Does Your Gp2x Have Dead Pixels?

    well, the polls only been up one day or so! give it a bit more time. maybe there will be more non-dead votes (like i just did)
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    Payback- Full Game

    it has a heli? i better get cracking and order me a copy!
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    Diy Usb Host Project

    yes, yes KIT! KIT!
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    Blasphemy! New Favourite Handheld = Psp?

    hey, are all those handhelds in the pic yours? :o
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    Gp2x Battery Draining Problem

    seems like the batteries the kid in your avatar is using have plenty of power. why not ask him what brand he uses (",)
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    Battery Life Tester. I Cant Find A Link Now :-(

    hehe. thats the problem with countries with high education levels. im half dutch, but any time im in holland and i try and speak nederlanse people sigh and say 'just speak english. we cant understand what youre trying to say'!
  10. D

    Battery Life Tester. I Cant Find A Link Now :-(

    ive used search, but no luck. its a utility i saw here some time to test how long your batteries last. you leave it on overnight and when it goes nearly flat it records how long it went... anyone point me in the right direction? i couldnt spot it in the archives either...
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    Old Mattel Handheld Games

    hate to be pedantic but as i know it you cant really 'emulate' these sorts of things, only simulate. not unless your computer has a convenient array of leds already shaped like the characters in the game :D
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    Any Interest In Go?

    looks like its dead in the water then :( . oh well, looks like a good reason to get around to my chinese friends place and play :) . only he was taught by a master and he normally kicks my arse with anything less than a four handicap...BUT i cant share a drink and a joke with the gp2x, no...
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    Any Interest In Go?

    we have chess but has anyone made a version of Go for the gp?
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    I Am The Music Man :)

    i'd like a good sea shanty. not for any game, mind you. i just feel like a sea shanty. arrrghhh! "we'll be friggin in the riggin cos theres fuck all else to do"
  15. D

    Gp2x Australia Community

    things like arcade machines, yes because meeting and playing on machines can be fun (",) . but the gp2x is really a child of the internet so location really doesnt matter.
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    Is A Dodgey Online Store?

    ill put my hand up for good service from them too. id say its just the christmas rush...
  17. D

    Exerion Slowdown In Mame3.6?

    just what the title says. im sure it was running fine in 3.1 at 133mhz, in 3.6 ive got it at 200mhz and its a bit slow...