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    Some more ported emulators

    As being the one who disapproved your post, I apologize for our inconsistency. Traditionally, we haven't maintained any sort of emulator list in a news forum, although the announcement of one being developed or released would be significant in itself. Since the Wiz is just coming out, I suppose...
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    What's the status on the icontrolpad?

    The last video update for the icontrolpad was Jan 20th of this year. Is the project still alive, what's the design status, etc. ?
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    Has the pandora been released yet?

    I edited the OP because all caps are extremely annoying, as everyone has said. The TG01 is a nice looking phone, but it's still just a phone. It doesn't have any hardware gaming controls, so you'll either need external devices or you'll be limited by what a resistive touchscreen will let you do...
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    Linux booting video

    I wouldn't do that. It's a very valid topic and it should exist in some A320 forum :D
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    Release N64 Emulator?

    According to Zodttd, the iphone is not as powerful as it should be because of enforced overhead from the OS. He explained that in a post when he was asked why certain emulators don't run fullspeed when it seems like they should. ... y-so-slow/
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    Release N64 Emulator?

    FWIW, Strmnnrmn had this to say on his blog back in November AFAIK, we still don't know what that platform is.
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    What comes in the box?

    While I can't speak for the devs, I'd say almost certainly not. It would not reflect on them very well if they included emulators out of the box, as they want an image of a reputable company, not some obscure Chinese manufacturer. Emulation is a legal grey area for a lot of places, so there's no...
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    Assembled OpenPandora pics, Finally

    Sadly, don't expect any WINE.
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    Linux booting video

    I approve it as a news post, so you post it here and change the news post to link here? :D I've deleted the topic in news. The dingoo threads are scarce enough so that this should get the right attention with one topic right here. This is an interesting development, nevertheless. Excited to...
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    The Wiz or the Dingoo?

    Can you wait until users get the wiz in hand? Sure, we have dev opinions, but a general consensus from the community may help your decision. Source ... merge.html ... -t262.html
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    Assembled OpenPandora pics, Finally

    Definitely not going to have the overclocking potential we were promised. Before you know it, this thing will be toast.
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    New Arm Processor Cortex-m0

    Ideally, yes it is. P = fcV^2. The problem is that in cases of higher clocks, you almost always need a higher voltage and will have higher losses due to heat and leakage, breaking the ideal equation.
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    Better To Wait For The Omap 3630?

    Well, if he's holding off, so am I! Seriously though, if these guys are crazy enough to do this again, we should be talking about omap 4xxx stuff and skip right over the 36xx. Only question is whether or not it will be on 32nm tech by then.
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    Blog Update - Look! It's A Desktop!

    I sent it to engadget ;)
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    Msi Wind Netbook Variant Or Pandora?

    I think the question comes down to what do you own currently? Say you have nothing. If you're willing to increase in size from a pandora to a netbook, why not go bigger and get a full blown laptop? If you already have a laptop, what do you really gain by getting a netbook? You still can't put it...
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    Sales Warning email phishing

    Re-ordering will not begin until EVERYONE has their refund.
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    New Case Design

    *cue bourne music*
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    About The Mk3 Board

    It's a valid request even if you aren't a developer. You can have it plugged into the wall and it will weigh less being battery-less.
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    How "cutting Edge" Are The Pandora's Components?

    It's so cutting edge that... Owww!