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  1. A

    Shouldn't Discussion Stay Open in an "Open" Forum?

    When a thread starts getting filled with personal attacks and insults, you have two choices: delete/edit posts and warn the users, or lock the thread as an example to those involved. I locked the thread that I did because a good portion of it was insults, and it was created perpetuating the...
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    "The most powerful handheld in the world"

    Both sides have made their points and it's nothing more than a semantics game. Feel free to talk about the iphone 3GS and how it compares to the pandora hardware in the other handhelds forum. Locked.
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    The New iPhone 3GS

    Double battery life is not accurate. More like 20% higher. From their vague performance numbers, it either has a cortex core, or a near Ghz ARM v6 core.
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    LCD replacement

    Factoring out all other things, you'd have at most a half an inch vertical clearance. (I've calculated the approximate height of the screen at 2.745 and the width of the pandora is listed at 83 mm). This is assuming a) The LCD's height is only the screen real estate (ie no bezel) b) The entire...
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    LCD replacement

    Beagleboard will be cheaper for you as a base anyway. If you're willing to make an enclosure big enough for a 5.6 display, you're encroaching into netbook (or MID) territory. What are you wanting to create?
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    Nintendo 64 Emulation

    This is no different than how it is for cars or any other system. In cars, knowing the displacement size of the engine is useful, but you need a benchmark to measure real-world performance (ie horsepower). Even then, that doesn't tell the whole story. For instance, MIPS will tell me what kind of...
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    Atari Jaguar Emulator?

    rx, firefox has done a port to the pandora: You might want to ask him if he has any wiz plans.
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    Wiz now shipping

    gp2xstore is out of stock as well. Were the initial shipments that small, or were first day orders that large?
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    Release More Prototype Action

    No, he said the final CNC case has been received and the final boards are being made in a test batch at the plant in Texas.
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    Release More Prototype Action

    No one can be told what the Matrix is.
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    Release More Prototype Action

    Re: New Video On Blog Watch Craig's right index finger, it's clearly moving every time he fires. This is consistent with there being the shoulder button there. I don't see any lag.
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    Release More Prototype Action

    Something I'm not clear on. Are we distinguishing the mass production boards as mk4's? Are they any different than the mk3?
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    Pandora Updates Thread
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    Wiz now shipping.

    Retailers are beginning to get their shipments of GPH Wiz consoles and list them as in-stock as well as ship out pre-orders. In-stock: ... -2z59.html (international, Hong Kong) ... nsole.html (US) expected to be...
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    Does MWeston have the case?

    Someone needs to get out the clippers :o
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    Post your very favourite homebrew GP2X games

    My favorite was sqdef, but I'm a tower defense sucker.
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    Release Which of the most-likely-not-emulated systems do you want?

    They were very vocal in the beginning, and it looked promising. For now, they're under the radar, so we'll sit here with bated breath until they feel it's time to show us something again. It should give the N64 crowd confidence that it's a matter of time and effort, not capability.
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    Direct (close-to-the-metal) open-source SGX driver

    This is my understanding of the process. This is how they did it in the 80's when the PC clone wars were going on. This forum will foreseeably exist "for good", but gp32x is returning very shortly.
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    So you've got a HUGE battery life. How can you make it last?

    You want to cycle the battery at least once a month. This helps its capacity stay higher for longer.
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    A good list of all our emulatey options?

    Early reviews of the Wiz have praise for a true d-pad, but it's still not what a d-pad should be. The PSP scene is very healthy, so you can expect quality there. The same is true for the GP2X (and will be for the wiz too, I imagine). The dingoo is young, but it shows a lot of promise. The...