Hello forum members,
I have decided to sell my Pyra.
I waited a long time for it and was totally happy when it was delivered. Unfortunately, I don't use the Pyra as intensively as I thought and how I used my Pandora.
In fact, I currently hardly use it more than once in two weeks or less.
So with...
I tried to boot the OMAP5 rom from the sd card. But unfortunately I didn't get it. The boot process of the pyra is unfortunately not / not well documented. I don't know which files are necessary for the pyra to boot the rom from the sd card. :|
Hello everyone,
with my pyra the battery is usually only charged to 87/88%. I've already tried a different battery.
Is this normal behavior? Or is it a bug that can be fixed (software / hardware)?
thanks in advance
I came from standard pyra-image and installed xfce from the debian repo. I've never used audio out before so I only noticed it now. But it works with mate. And I get along well with mate too. So, it's okay for now.
yes pulseaudio is installed and works perfectly with mate. maybe something is missing or not loaded under xfce. I'm just switching to mate for the moment.
I'm just glad that the mistake sat in front of the pyra and wasn't the pyra itself. So it is more easy to fix. ;)
Thank you Matze for testing.
Yes, debian is up-to-date. I already tried alsamixer, But I can't activate the headphones. I will try booting a fresh system from sd-card to check, if it is a software or hardware issue.
Hi, I tested the headphone output for the first time today. And it doesn't work. Do I have to activate the output first, or should the pyra switch it on automatically when the plug is inserted?
you have serial out over a micro-usb-port on the back
Actually I did not try it yet.
I now tried it out, Works fine with 115200baud.
Could you already order yours?
...it's written that it's uncoated and not optimized (shoulderbuttons, ...). But you can use it as a replacement case. I guess I don't will use it as replacement, but it should fit at all (at least the prototype-pcb fits).
I didn't receive a pyra today, but the transparent housing that I also ordered.
Looks really awesome and feels great.
...now I'm even more excited about the delivery of the real pyra