Recent content by vandyswa

  1. vandyswa

    Pyra and Wifi performance?

    Watching with great interest. When you have a unit fully assembled, would it be possible to try it out in various real-world Wifi situations (your Wifi, over to a friend's, cafe, etc.)? I'd hate to see a repeat of the Pandora's very uneven Wifi performance! (While you're at it, you might want...
  2. vandyswa

    Download Pyra Debian OS (WIP)

    I'm trying this Pyra image for the Pandora because I was hoping Bluetooth would be in usable shape (it's a major failing of Pandian). How did you enable the BT device in the first place? Thanks... Andy
  3. vandyswa

    pandian - MARK3 - beta

    Interesting. Perhaps our kernel (fairly old at this point) has skewed far enough for our up-to-date Jessie userland. I know stackshadow had problems with newer kernels not starting, but never got a console cable so couldn't do much debug.
  4. vandyswa

    pandian - MARK3 - beta

    Did anybody ever get bluetooth working? Internal preferred. I'm assuming it's like internal Wifi, and it'll come on when I modprobe in the right drivers. Which are...? TIA. Update... using Zaxxon scripts op_bluetooth{_work}.sh, I can cause an hci0 to come into existence, turn on the...
  5. vandyswa

    pandian - MARK3 - beta

    If you can get ED to put together a package for you, let me know how much to Paypal to ED and I'll (happily) cover the cost.
  6. vandyswa

    pandian - MARK3 - beta

    So is it booting OK now?  (BTW, Pandian continues to be my only OS on my workhorse Pandora.)
  7. vandyswa

    Pyra: Wifi verification

    Can you tell us a bit about what you're doing differently from the Pandora to make sure the Wifi behavior is as good as possible?  Antenna changes?  Are you happy with the chip choice?  Other changes?  Are there new testing plans as compared to the Pandora? Thanks! Andy
  8. vandyswa

    pandian - MARK3 - beta

    I'm using USB Ethernet no prob... just "sudo modprobe ehci-hcd" and I was good.
  9. vandyswa

    pandian - MARK3 - beta

    Yes, Mark3 is solid.  I've converted to using it as my primary OS for the Pandora. For anybody using something based on libao, the /etc/libao.conf which matches the ALSA config is: default_driver=alsa # dev=hw:1 dev=pcm.softvol quiet   When I use an external USB headphone amp, I switch...
  10. vandyswa

    pandian - MARK3 - beta

    For some reason, /bin/ping is not suid root, so doesn't work for mortals. I copied Zaxxon's /etc/asound.conf, and mplayer2 is running OK for me. (It's incredibly convenient that all my binaries from /usr/local on Wheezy come right over and work.) Yup... this is all looking good.  Very good...
  11. vandyswa

    pandian - MARK3 - beta

    Have a copy up and running here... looks *very* good.  I was thinking it was time to get over to Jessie, and here you've done all the work to make it easy. The Y/Z keyboard position issue is back.  I have .pndXmodmap diffs: diff -r1.1 .pndXmodmap 12c12 < keycode  21 = equal --- > keycode  21...
  12. vandyswa

    Is there any way to permanently hide a topic? I am SO tired of caring corner.

    Indeed, I'm looking for a way for ME to not see them.  Clearly the threads are of value to some of the users.  It'd just be cool to be able to filter out threads which are never going to be of interest to me, but keep popping up in the unread list month after month after month....
  13. vandyswa

    Is there any way to permanently hide a topic? I am SO tired of caring corner.

    Sort of like the old kill files from the days of Usenet? Thanks...
  14. vandyswa

    Ebola Outbreak in exponential growth

    Keep in mind that USA is heading into an election cycle.  Big, scary news stories should always be consumed with caution. When the USA political parties are in their latest death-dance, hands locked around each others necks, this is even moreso true.
  15. vandyswa

    pandian - MARK2

    (Install/startup options) My opinion: complex install/first-boot designs are very fragile.  When they work they seem like magic, but when they don't, nobody can ever figure out why not--because it's all magic. So... preconfigured kernel.  Preconfigured filesystem.  I'd like the starting point...