ok soooo lost so which firmware do you all actually reccomend in terms of psx emulation?
ps this is the first time ive posted on here for like 2 years so congrats to all the names i see have achived guru status!
Mayhem in monsterland actually works
hot diggity dawg do i want a gp2x now
on frodo theres a bug where you cant get past the title screen :-(
thanks very much for all of your help guys (especially nova)
i have managed to find one on a digital camera site for £129 inc delivery!
hoooray! maybe now my little sister will stop explaining to me why they are sooooo coool! and she must have one lol
thanks all
lol dont you think ive already combed ebay co.uk and com and even blooody .de for almost 2 hours!
ebay is no good as all the prices have been inflated dammit!
any other ideas?
ok ok so i personally HATE the ipod......meanwhile my sister loves them and has her heart set on a pink ipod mini for christmas.
one problem
they have been discontinued and EVERYWHERE is out of stock!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me find one for my sister.
btw the adaptor is to bump the pro duo (the small psp compatable one) up to the size of a normal memory stick so you can use it with a card reader like i do :D
btw there is an msn messenger client for the psp
jus go to this url
log in and voila , also if you are using the 2.00 browser you can keep yaself logged in on the last tab for convienience(sp?)
well i was surfing my (at the time) fave import site liksang when i came across
NEW POWERFULLL KOREAN HANDHELD etc which was of course the gp32 so i got a job,saved up and god bless had one (flu) in my hans about6 months later!