Ok so when I first got my caanoo a long time ago, I upgraded it to 1.6.1. Is it possible to downgrade to 1.5 or am I just stuck. Just curious. I picked up the old caanoo today because I now have time to play games again (Yay).
You are very correct. However, the Apple II was the best they ever built. Developed by the Woz himself, it was their best product. Then that prick jobs went all "Fuck you Apple II, Mac wins".
I've looked all over for a flash based magic the gathering life counter that I could run on my Caanoo. Either for flash or native for the Caanoo would be nice.
Anyone know if there is a leather case that can fit the Caanoo like what they have for the Wiz? I saw the jelly case but I would prefer a leather one that clips on the belt.
Well I figured out my issue with my Final Fantasy 7 disks and now I have another question. How does the emulator handle multiple disks? How do you swap disks in game? Just curious before I begin to load things up on my caanoo
My bet is a bad iso since it took forever to make. I will try it on the pc first.
Thought I would make acomment, it was a bad iso. Got it to work on pc, the Caanoo will be next.
Ok, made an iso of my Final Fantasy 7 disk. Loaded a BIOS into the main directory for the emulator, keeps going back to the load screen for psx4all. Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I liked the Wiz I had for a week before I returned it due to a missing part (realized they screwed up originally and sent me all of the accessories minus one thing). Since my Mom who purchased it as a gift for me paid the full price, I returned the Wiz and got the Caanoo. I like the Caanoo...