There used to be the option "short_open_tag" inside the php.ini to re-enable support for this. We need to set that for our company website as well, because our old code is full of those.
Nice work, but beware of differences between SQLite and MySQL. SQLite only supports a subset of the SQL language. For example, there is no user management and some functions are missing.
That's why I started using a password manager. I avoided it for a very long time, because that one password database is a single point of failure, but honestly I trust myself more than I trust half a dozen sites with not compromising my password.
Yes, modern UEFI implementations are very scary. Some Firmwares have a full network stack included with them. They also barely get any updates, if at all. And you're right a virus could write itself into flash memory and use a Firmware bug to take over the firmware at boot. This could only be...
To be honest, just put your system in CSM mode and install the system with a simple MBR partition table. Make the 4th partition an extended partition. That will allow you to have more partitions than just 4. Much easier to install and maintain. The issue with the bootloader getting overridden by...
Every UEFI machine has a little flash memory inside it, the UEFI variable storage. The firmware and/or Operating system can save data on that chip, for example Linux has the capability to store Coredumps on it in case of a kernel panic to investigate the crash. It's also used for the bootloader...
It was introduced because the BIOS was starting to show it's age (especially on 64-Bit machines). That's what i've been told, but I never looked more into it. The problem is that they've really got carried away with what should be in a Firmware. So we ended up with the over-engineered, poorly...
The problem was that my UEFI firmware became bricked and would refuse to boot anything on the internal hard drive, even Operating systems that had been newly installed. Also, my Laptop didn't came with Windows 7 pre-installed.
I think the problem wasn't so much the Fedora installer, but more...
As far as I know, you have to turn fast boot in Windows 8 off, before you attempt to dual boot any OS. Also, beware of UEFI bugs. I managed to brick my Lenovo Laptop by trying to install Fedora 22 (their Installer sucks anyway). Now it won't boot anything in UEFI mode anymore. Thankfully I can...
The german tech news site Golem also posted an article about it, so that might have something to do with it ;-) . And yes, the comments are very cringeworthy, as always.