Portable Gp=able Harddrives


PSP pwner
Mar 9, 2004
Southampton/Ashley Green
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Been thinking today about possible ways of carrying TONS of data around (namely films) but not buying a load of SMCs.

I remembered the portable harddrives that exist for use by photographers and wondered if one of them would work with smcs.

I've done a bit of googling, the crucial thing to find is a portable back up drive that supports read AND write to the media cards.

Thus far i've found one on ebay:

Ebay GP-HD

Anyone else currently using something like this or know of anything else?
so this is a portable card reader that holds you data? I was expecting a drive that plugs into the wall for power or uses batteries and like a ribbon pops out and you plug it into your smc slot.
So from what i read there its possibl to load that 20gb beast up with all ur music and games and stuff, and when u want to add some more music to ur smc when ur out and about u can get ur hard drive out, plug ur smc in and load them. Or is it more complicated than that?????
Ernest posted on Apr 21 2004 at 10:22 PM said:
So from what i read there its possibl to load that 20gb beast up with all ur music and games and stuff, and when u want to add some more music to ur smc when ur out and about u can get ur hard drive out, plug ur smc in and load them. Or is it more complicated than that?????
From what i can tell so far, yes!
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True its a bit expensive plus you need an adaptor for SMC card support but it can hold alot of stuff so you can add/remove things from your GP on the go.
I have a 80gb external harddrive and it is extremely useful. One of the few impulse purchases that I use on a near-daily basis.

I got an Iomega drive, and I would have to say that it wasn't at all cheaper than this device, so if this had been available at the time, I certainly would have chosen this one. I am even thinking about this, mostly for digital camera usage, but I also have about 35Gb of roms I wouldn't mind having to hand. :P
I've seen this sort of thing at my local computer shop. They had a couple, but what it amounted to was a harddisk with USB / CF / SMC connectors. The sales dude said they worked really well, but didn't sell very well.

They were pretty exy tho, in the realm of 200-300$, the target market was the digital camera crowd. One of them didn't even include the harddisk (it was a sexiest looking one with a big screen) , you needed to buy a laptop drive separately to make it go.
Lethe posted on Apr 21 2004 at 04:58 PM said:
$210? A hefty price... As much as an flu <_<
MUCH cheaper than 20gb of smcs tho...and handy...
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