Ok, it is 3 o'clock in the morning, I have to get up at 6. Great.
I was off school for the last 3 weeks because of easter holidays and yes, I haven't gone to bed before 7 am in that time but I really need to get sleep now. Yesterday I tried going to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning and I lay there awake until 5 o'clock!!
I realize that this is a long term problem of which i do not know an answer.
Yes, my Gp32 is locked away during the night but thats not really the problem.
I dont want to end like elvis and just eat one pill after the other to get to some sleep so I am asking you:
What homemade thing can you recommend to me that helps me get some sleep?
I heard that warm milk will do the trick but unfortunatly not this night
I'll try my bed again now.. hopefully we dont have to do anything that involves "thinking" tomorrow at school...
I was off school for the last 3 weeks because of easter holidays and yes, I haven't gone to bed before 7 am in that time but I really need to get sleep now. Yesterday I tried going to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning and I lay there awake until 5 o'clock!!
I realize that this is a long term problem of which i do not know an answer.
Yes, my Gp32 is locked away during the night but thats not really the problem.
I dont want to end like elvis and just eat one pill after the other to get to some sleep so I am asking you:
What homemade thing can you recommend to me that helps me get some sleep?
I heard that warm milk will do the trick but unfortunatly not this night