
I dont use Windows Media player, its bulky, slow, and sends lots of nice information to various servers about your pc and various other info about viewing habits, etc...(all without permission), and has ads and whatnot in the player, etc... (although I have it on the block list on my firewall(s), I still dont use it out of principal)

I could test it on WinAmp or Xine if you so desire. But if your looking for Windows Media Player specifically, cant help ya there.
Its not sick is it... i think it was you had a link to some rather revolting avi of a woman puking.a while back in your sig... that was err...sick! :D

correct me if im wrong ;)
No, it's not sick. That link was accidental. That video wasn't hosted by me, it was originally the link to a super mario brothers video but because everybody was leeching off the guy and using that link everywhere he decided to have a little fun by replacing it with that disgusting video.
lol, i stuck a link on my friends message board and since that he has added the following warning to our front page

"**** is a sick bastard, you should not view ANY links that he posts unless you are mentally unstable yourself"

welll its 28meg....and at 3.5k a second d/l i aint gonna see it as im off to bed in abit....

i'm on broadband not dial up, are you hosting it cause im only web browsing at the moment... thats damn slow otherwise.
Yeah, I'm hosting it and I don't have any other apps like Kazaa open.

EDIT: Is there an upload bandwith (sp?) option somewhere where I can change some settings in windows xp?
It ran fine in Xine (linux) I only got sound in WinAmp because I dont have the proper codec installed in windows.

However, to me, this WAS a sick and disgusting video :). Although the person seemed to have alot of skill in the game, I seriously get this strong case of nausea whenever I see that game. :) Good thing I couldnt see the screen :)

But the video itself ran fine, there was a big white box in the center of it when it started for the first couple seconds, but after that it was ok.
Azure posted on Apr 18 2004 at 12:27 AM said:
That's a video of myself. Pretty good, huh? :D
Cant tell, you could be failing miserably and just moving your feet really fast, I cant see the screen to verify that you are actually doing the things it tells you. But, assuming that you are honest, you looked pretty talented. Now if only you could get a job shuffling your feet :)

I should take a video of me salughtering people in UT2k3/2k4 but since you wont really be able to see the screen, it would probably be a very very boring video. :P
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Didn't you see the screen at the end? It shows how many I got:
316 Perfects
194 Greats
13 Goods
5 Almosts
27 Boos
Azure posted on Apr 18 2004 at 12:31 AM said:
Didn't you see the screen at the end? It shows how many I got:
316 Perfects
194 Greats
13 Goods
5 Almosts
27 Boos
No I didnt watch it all the way through I got about 80% of the way and didnt think it was going to be any different at the end so turned it off. Now I am back in windoze and I dont have the codec installed in windows so cant look again. I beleive you though :)
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Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 17 2004 at 05:34 PM said:
Azure posted on Apr 18 2004 at 12:31 AM said:
Didn't you see the screen at the end? It shows how many I got:
316 Perfects
194 Greats
13 Goods
5 Almosts
27 Boos
I beleive you though :)
I'll try to make another video with the camera shooting the T.V. :)
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