GP32 Desktop Audio Recorders?


Programer Guru! the making
Feb 2, 2004
well, I put this here because It relates to a game's development
and I need help dev'ing it, so here we are
Is there anyprogram that will record whatever I play on my desktop?
I have a program thats lets me play sounds from a game, but I dont think I can save them anyhow
well, I need to
So, is there any program that will let me save them ? and if not, is it posiable to run a cord from speaker out to recoder in and it will still work?
please help as I need answers soon

You can deff run a normal audio jack from the audio out to the mic and record using whatever recording program, but the quality might not be that great. There must be another option...

The cables only cost a few quid tho.
I think that can work
go to the 'volume control' (double click on the speaker downscreen under Win9x/XP)
then go to 'options' and then proprieties then select recording then look for 'stereo mix' and select it
after that the volume control will look different and you can adjust the sound level for the stereo mix (I recommend to set it at the minimum just 1 more than 0)
dont forget to set it as 'selectioned'

after you can use whatever soft you wanna and it should work :D

see you :lol:
you can use winamp to extract anything readable by winamp of course to a .WAV
just go to preferences then select 'disk writting' for the output

see you :lol:
Every version of windows come with Sound Recorder which will allow you to record anything that plays on your PC. Just look for it in the accessories or go to START, RUN, and type: "sndrec32" and press ENTER

You can then go to your volume control and select where you want to record from, Microphone, CD Player, Wave device, etc
so .mod has to be made on its own?
cant be converted acording to you guys, has to be origional?


well, what about, anything to s3m? fill in the anything
The only way to convert a wav to a mod would be to cut the wav up into seperate chunks and loops load the into a tracker as instruments and then stick them together one after the other or looped as required within the tracker. Possible but not very practical and from my experience not very easy either.
AlexW posted on Apr 13 2004 at 08:55 PM said:
And here is what you can do with sndrec32.exe :-)
funny :lol:
but a very good example to show how mod files work ;) (with the difference that in the mod-player it is all done internaly what you see in this animation)
maybe now you can understand why it is so difficult to convert a wav to mod. not impossible tho: you could add the whole wav as a sample into the mod-file and play it just once ;) - the size of the resulting mod file would be larger than the wav-file but you have a wav2mod conversion :P
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octavious, what are you trying to convert into a mod? there are thousands of mod files that strange people have re-created original tunes so you may find it - bear in mind that they are usually low quality reproductions....
well, yall said you wanted music from RA ( hellmarch ) and much more from the series, so I sat down, ripped the .mix file open, got out the .aud file out and converted it to a .wav , did this with good songs from tiberian sun also, but GPFinalWar will only take .mod ( untill we finish the .s3m compatability ) for music

there are thousands of mod files that strange people have re-created


Oi Frolik! ;)

I've written hundreds of tracker mods. Probably only a few decent ones though so am I strange?

On second thoughts don't answer that even I know the answer is yes :) hehe

One of my nicknames used to be "Strange But True" :)