

Brutal Deluxe
Jan 12, 2004
Hi Guys

I've read a few posts on here about the sad state of Videogame TV coverage, so thought I'd let you know that they're filming a new Gamestars thing tonight in London. They just rang me up to ask me to come down and be in the audience, so I think I'll give it a go, it CAN'T be worse than GamesMaster with Dexter Fletcher!

Anything you want me to shout out to Iain Lee? ;-)

TelcoLou posted on Apr 13 2004 at 11:03 AM said:
I rarely watch TV. I mostly use it to display my Video Games ;)
same for me.
I want play and code only for pleasure (and money :D )
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LOL Gamestars another crap etempt for ITV to get a mainstream gaming show.

Expect PS2 games to win in the public votes catogries.
thebluenewt posted on Apr 13 2004 at 12:27 PM said:
The Mole posted on Apr 13 2004 at 12:26 PM said:
Expect PS2 games to win in the public votes catogries.
Maybe they deserve to win
Oh come on last years results were only that way because they had all the 12 year old PS2 massive voting.
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The Mole posted on Apr 13 2004 at 02:50 PM said:
thebluenewt posted on Apr 13 2004 at 12:27 PM said:
The Mole posted on Apr 13 2004 at 12:26 PM said:
Expect PS2 games to win in the public votes catogries.
Maybe they deserve to win
Oh come on last years results were only that way because they had all the 12 year old PS2 massive voting.
I didn't watch it so I don't know but if say GTA3 and Pro Evo won that would be quite right!
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thebluenewt posted on Apr 13 2004 at 12:27 PM said:
The Mole posted on Apr 13 2004 at 12:26 PM said:
Expect PS2 games to win in the public votes catogries.
Maybe they deserve to win

PS2 Kicks ass in my opinion So I guess they will win :D
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What amuses me is that the same people who try to avoid Microsoft products as much as they can also tend to hate Sony consoles, so they buy an X-Box... made by Microsoft...

All 3 consoles have good games. Just because Sony can market properly and are the choice of the "casual gamer" doesn't mean they don't have good games on their systems.

But this program will still suck balls! :P
thebluenewt posted on Apr 14 2004 at 12:40 AM said:
What amuses me is that the same people who try to avoid Microsoft products as much as they can also tend to hate Sony consoles, so they buy an X-Box... made by Microsoft...

All 3 consoles have good games. Just because Sony can market properly and are the choice of the "casual gamer" doesn't mean they don't have good games on their systems.

But this program will still suck balls! :P
What i was trying to say was its not the ebst games that win but the games on the most popular console.

I hate Sony and Microsoft equaly

Sony for churning out shoddy products at an inflated price

Microsoft for unfairly taking hold of the PC market.
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thebluenewt posted on Apr 14 2004 at 01:37 PM said:
NiN^_^NiN posted on Apr 14 2004 at 03:09 AM said:
*looks at your avatar then at your nick* :blink: *avatar nick avatar nick* :blink: :blink: green? ^_^

That's zombie Dave, it doesn't even look like a newt!
Proper Digitizer fanboy, huh? ;)

What do you think of Game Central and the new editors?
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Dexter rocks, in the same oddball way Stephan Dennis, Chesney Hawkes and Patric Swaze do.

My fave computer program was ITV's bad infulence, it was well balanced.

Funniest thing about Bad Influence was the intro, I mean Rise of the Robots was the biggest hyped game ever, and they had weekly updates etc on its progress, and then when it came out - it really truly stunk. I always had a quiet chuckle over that one. ;) Also the "data burst" at the end of the programme was kind of cool too.