

Dec 23, 2003
Near Southampton (UK)
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Quick overview
For those of you who don't know Earthbound is an rpg from nintendo, I don't really want to explain much of the story because it wud ruin it for first time players, but basically an asteroid lands in your hometown and you go on a big quest to save the world!! Just trust me on this you'll have to play it because i would'nt want to spoil it for anyone.

Right I'll start with the graphics, although their not grounbreaking for the snes they do their job and gie the game the feel it shud have, there are some nice effects in battles when you use various attacks and generally give the game a nice feel about it. 7.5/10

Now this is where things really come alive in the game, my first hour of play really reminded of my first ever time i played pokemon red (i played pokemon till i was sick from staring at the tiny gameboy screen for too long). The game really sucks you in and the main adventure is very fulfilling, the battles are turned based and very much like the ones in pokemon. 10/10

Fun did somebodya say fun, i can't think of a better way to waste time but its not the kinda game you can have a quick go on on the bus or anything, you really need to sit down and spent a bit of quality time with it, but it really is amazing fun and it feels good when you achieve a level up2, on the fun stakes id give it, 10/10

Well my review may seem a bit brief but I don't want to give away too much of the storyline or gampelay features as it it's much better to discover them for yourself as it's the game gives a great feeling of happiness when u play, oh and also i forgot to mention this game alsio likes to poke fun at things and muck about there is alot of humour and jokes and references to nintendo amongst other things. Well as alast find this game download it and put it on your gp and play it!!!!
I can gaurentee that if you do you will remember this game for along time to come and it has alot of replayability, overall i think it deserves a 10/10 actually sod it 11/10!!!! :P
heres some screenies:



and 4 the benifit of finty, it's played on a snes emu
Skop posted on Apr 17 2004 at 08:19 PM said:
How does it compare to chrono trigger in terms of RPG's?
I've got to buy that game at some point. Goes for a fair bit on ebay though (and that's the cartrige only version - heaven forbid buying a complete boxed copy).


Damn just noticed i'm posting non relivant stuff in the review section. Apologies. :(
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Skop posted on Apr 17 2004 at 08:19 PM said:
How does it compare to chrono trigger in terms of RPG's?
Obviously its a more "kid like" style of game, your main characters and his friends are not even in elementary school yet (they are in K). And its weapons are things like baseball bats, teddy bears, etc...

So its difficult to compare to Chrono Trigger. They are both great games, both give hours of entertainment, but they are on opposite ends of the RPG genra. Its like comparing Mario and Castlevania.

Although, personally, if I had to choose between the two, Chrono Trigger would win hands down, its more my style.
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My first contact with that Earthbound-Guy was on the N64 with SmashBrothers. I searched the Internet for more info about that guy, because I thought that game only could be great when it was featured as a classic character in SmashBrothers, right next to Mario, Link, DK, Kirby, Samus and Yoshi.

Recently I played the version on NES and I must say it was very amusing. It doesn't happen very often that you have to fighter lamps and tables in an RPG. :D I think I'll have a look at that (very cool looking) SNES version. - If it runs at decent speed.