GP32 Uart Example Code


Nov 12, 2003
Warwickshire, UK
I have my IR reciever plugged into my GP32's EXT port now. If I boot into the Euro firmware and then use a TV remote on the reciever, it opens the mp3 player and then makes the help screen open/close (I don't know why the Euro firmware is watching the EXT port, but it is...) So I know it works.

The problem is I cant write any of my own software to recieve anything from the IR reciever.

Does anyone have any example code of how to use the Gamepark SDK for UART communication?

I've searched all day for anything to help me, no programs that communicate over the EXT port seem to have source code available, and the chatboard source is for gcc, with assembler for the SDK functions it replaces.

I've tried to converting the assembler to use under ARM ADS, but my attempts stink tbh :lol:

My attempts at using the Gamepark SDK also give me no results. Very frustrating :( :( :(
Opps, didn't mean euro firmware, meant 157e firmware, the one in Spiv's multi firmware 2 (GP's fw157e++ - maybe this has some serial hooks in it, by Spiv?)

I plan on making a program so that the GP32 can be used as a universal remote, hopefully it will be able to learn the signals of TV, Video, etc, remotes and then transmit them itself.

The infra-red reciever and transmitter I've (half) finished is really simple to make and plugs into the EXT port. It could be used for anything, but would work well for controlling, say, one of the GP32's mp3 players via an IR remote if the relevant code were implemented. Maybe even for simple multiplayer games like pong, the only problem is that data is more easily lost over IR than RF comms, although there would be ways to implement reliable communication in software I suppose.
Written some very basic software to catch signals from the reciever, still needs a lot of work though, multiple presses of the same button on a remote often give different codes (might be my poor C programming, or maybe the way I'm handling the data/timing of the signals).

Some pics. Poor quality I'm affraid, my camera sucks in macro mode :(


Recieving signals (converted to hex along the bottom of the screen):
I imagine data transfer would be pretty slow at 9600 baud :blink:

Still, I love this kinda thing, so I'm definatly interested. Would you be willing to post the source code at the end? I'm not bothered if its messy or anything, I'd just like to get to grips with the EXT port and how stuff like this works on a basic level ;)
:o WOW i'd love a remote like that. You could turn it into one of those programmable remotes where u can make your own skin.. U know with a matrix of logo's from tvchannels to choose from...could u use the IR to send and recieve data to and from a notebook or mobile phone? or is it too hard or slow... well im just dreaming, great work though :D !