"i'll Cry If This Isn't Entered In Gbax" Thread

Personally I'd prefere a decent Mega Drive emu over a snes one, but I'm funny like that ;) I wouldn't be disappointed if there wasn't a emu in Gbax, but I'd be happy if there were one :) There are some great stuff coming out now though and thankfully theres now beats of rage to quench my thirst for full speed street of rage action on the move :D Gotta say though I'm not expecting much in the way of Emu's this time.

Of course I would cry if someone isn't working on an Amiga emulator ;)
kotd posted on Apr 7 2004 at 03:46 AM said:
well I didn't think it was funny anyone else? i thought it was smart ass and had nothing to do with the topic. THe topic clearly wants you to say what u would like to have entered in the comp not what features or bs stuff anyway my opinion :blink:
omg you are soooooo pathetic
octavious reply was a beautiful example of sarcasm, and you either have no sense of humor at all, or you'r too proud to admit how dumb you've been (and since it's you, probably both :P)
if you really thought octavius was being serious.... i really feel sorry for you. it was as obvious as possible, and funny too (a nice reference to all them newbies that come begging for insane emus, or games that are way too advanced for gp32...), if you can't laugh with that (or just even notice it...) you must have a bloody boring life... and a sad one too....
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Some game with good killing, or an emu that doing the memory mod would be worth it for.... a neogeo emu...... well so much for dreaming.
But I probably won't cry, just download whatever else is available ;P
I'd like to see an update of that metal slug demo thingy coz it was soo promising also an update of opensnes wud b nice coz id like to play full speed mario kart and tales of phantasia!!!!
I'd love to see anything by Akuma No Houkon, his stuff really sorts me out! ;)

also would be fandabydozy if rlyeh made an appearance B)
I can see that the zodiac gamers not only is tryin to get the GP 32 programmers, but also the GBA programmers as well. They must be very hungry for some games and emulaters. :P
yes this rally game looks cool...

ok i will cry if enf65 wont enter with his gba emu :) also also the other great unreleased emus (fgen, the new mame port, and so on :) )
It wouldn't make me cry if it didn't happen, but i would love it if some new hardcore programmer entered with something like GP-UAE :P

Oh yeah... and if it was full speed that would just make it a little bit better.
Ernest posted on Apr 7 2004 at 10:26 AM said:
I'd like to see an update of that metal slug demo thingy coz it was soo promising also an update of opensnes wud b nice coz id like to play full speed mario kart and tales of phantasia!!!!
yeah... so much effort must already have gone into this ... i wonder whether it's still being actively developed... and thinking of quality alphas/betas ... does anyone know the current status of halflife 2d ?
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i'd like if VBA would allow you to shirink the screen back to original size cuz it would mean full speed on GBC and a Good speed increase on GBA.