i will order mine......


May 2, 2003
Louth, Ireland
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i will order my gp32 before exams start so then i will have it when they are over, my question: how mucg storage is the smart media, like how can you fit a movie on it ? does a 64 mb smc card have 64 mb of space? cause on my gba flash cart it says 64mb but can only hold 8mb, whats the deal?
well nintendo count their memory in bits, so 64mb is 64megabits and not megabytes. They storage on the gp32 is much greater than any gba cartridge, and cheaper.
Your GBA flash cart is 64MBIT not 64MBYTE which is why it only holds 8mb of data, SmartMedia cards are 64MBYTE, so they genuinely hold 64 MB of data :)
As for fitting a movie - GP32 screensize is 320x240 and the framerate of movies is around 10 fps (still looks good for most movies). When you re-encode a movie for those, it usually fits on a 128 meg SMC.

If you're into movies, get a 128 meg SMC just for that, and get at one for games/emus/etc. also. If you plan on using it as an MP3 player frequently, you may want another SMC for that also.