Problems With Starting My Gamepark.-newbie:-)


Still Fresh
Apr 1, 2004

I just got my GP 32 today and found this link to this nice GP page in english.

I have registred on this site and want to start with my GP 32.

The question I have is do I start with the first thing on the Top(registration) or do I have to try another thing first???

I thin yes and so I Did.

I have connected my GP 32 to the PC with the USB Calbe and there is nothing on my GP 32 right now(I got my P 32 on).

I can´t install this programm,If I open the GPREG,EXE then ther is a failiure notice and then I can Enter My ID+Password.
If I Try to enter my Name and the Password It says can´t connect to your USB Port.

On the auth wizard.doc is the first step installing the programm,but I can not get to this pount.
I click OK on this failiure notice nad then I Can Enter my ID+passowrd.

What went worng?????

Please help:-(



Yes I got the USB Drivers from the Page But where do I put them???

I wanted to follow the Steps on the site and ther is the Regestration the first hing to do.


nice guide,this is what I was looking for :lol:

I will now try this one and restart my PC first:-)

Ok I will Post later:-)


the problem ist when I open the GPREGEXE there ist a failure notice and then I can enter my Name and password and It says again can´t connenct to your PC.
It goes direct to the screen where I can enter My Name an Password:-(????????

What do I do now???

Peace :angry:
Yes I´m logged in when I download stuff.

The problem is as posted above,there is no installation wizard,It goes to where I can enter my Name and password without even installing something like shown on the Manual you can download there.


where esle can I find USB drivers for win XP pro???

If I download the drivers I have no exe File,I get a sys file My PC can´t read:-(

Where do I have to put this sys file???

This is just off a hunch and not sure if it will work. So I bear no responsibiity to what it can do to your PC. I just searched my hard drive for that file and I see it is placed in.

If you place it in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers ot may be able to detect it or install it.
The problem is the pc can not connect to the Gamepark,the usb driver can not be installed(???) because I have no exe file,just the USB SYS.

i know that I can install It from this INF File,but If I start the gpreg exe the is no installation wizard,It tooks me right to where I can enter my name nad my password i got fom the gamepark site??
That is the problem.

Can I do something like finde another reg.exe or else??


I have sucsessfully installed the USB Drivers but when I open the Auth wizard and enter my password then It says Invalid password.
The password is correct,It is the Password I use to enter the GP hompage.

What went wrong???

Any ideas??

i think the gamepark program always gives you an error message... just try ignoring it and going ahead anyway...

have you got freelauncher yet?

if not there is a way to get it from IRC...