Nostalgic Video Game


Oct 31, 2003
Hertfordshire in England
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I was pondering how much money I've spent over the years on video games and all the highs and lows they brought me and I thought this might make an intersting topic. Anyway if anyone feels like humoring me post your answers to these questions (or add your own). I've listed my answers below, although with more thought they would probably be different.

What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
ZX Spectrum 48K

First game that you got with/for it?
Ant Attack

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
Panasonic 3DO (£400)

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Sega Dreamcast

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
Maracas controller for Samba De Amigo on the Sega Dreamcast.

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Getting my first level 99 hardcore LOD character in Diablo 2 on the PC.

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
The end warthog sequence to Halo on the Xbox.
OK, my answers are very biased but they are the truth!! I'll always hold a candle for my C64 :D

What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
Commodore C64

First game that you got with/for it?
Spindizzy - how amazing was that?

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
never had a system that flopped

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Commodore C64 - it hasn't really died, there are loads of scarey people still dedicated to it!

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
a modem for the C64 - never did get it to work ;)

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Turrican 2 - when it kicks into the manic shootemup level

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Burning the midnight oil trying to complete turrican 2!
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
ZX Spectrum 128k

First game that you got with/for it?
Daley Thompsons Decathalon

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Sega Saturn

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
The Auto mouse designed to play Track and field games for you...pointless!

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Seeing the can now become Hyper Sonic in Sonic 3 + S&K

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
The Ice Manor in alundra...damn those sliding blocks!!!
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?

First game that you got with/for it?
A breakout clone with a forgetable name

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
Maracas for Samba De Amigo. I have 4 of these but one is a bit dodgy, so 2 player games are a bit unfair.

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Completing The Hobbit, or Shenmue 2 - not sure which.

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Fighting loads of Metal Gear Rexs in MGS2 for PS2. I have given up now as I can only kill about 12 or 13 of them and I don't think I'll ever finish this bit. A fairly rubbish boss fight really as it is no fun at all.
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
Commodore 64

First game that you got with/for it?
Didin't get 1 got 5 A konami pack (Mikie, Hyper sports, Green Beret, Yie Ar Kung Fu) and Gauntlet

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
Don't if it would class as flopped but the game gear didn't do particularily well.

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
Glove thingy for the NES, struck me as usless.

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Changes each year, Last one would probably entering the Fun house in Max Payne 2, totlally immersed me i was like wow this cool!

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Any 8 bit game where you spend the best part of the day getting to the end only to get killed and having to start all over again from the start!
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?

First game that you got with/for it?
something like a "homemade frogger"

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
None : I only own a GP32 and a Dreamcast (and a old Gamegear with 10games...:))

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Sega Dreamcast

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
Maracas controller for Samba De Amigo on the Sega Dreamcast.

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Launching Half-Life for the 1st time I think

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
The end of bubble bobble (NES) because I missed the X-cal so I got the "bad end" :'(.
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
Commodore Amiga

First game that you got with/for it?
Pugsy (I think)

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
Virtual Boy

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Not dead, but never took off commercially.........Neo Geo CD

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
More of a console, but the Virtual Boy, i look like a prick with it on

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Getting my Neo Geo thru the post and booting it up, then pretending to be in the arcade (sad I know)

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
The bit on Zelda OoT that i got stuck on (cant quite remember the point in the game) but it was about halfway thru and I stopped playing it, and getting to the end of Shenmue, only to find out it didnt end!!!
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
Atari ST.

First game that you got with/for it?
About 200 on day 1.

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
Well I got a Dreamcast and people say that flopped, but I still love it.

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Sega saturn.

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
The Zelda sword thingy for that special Zelda sword game thingy.

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
FF7..... all of it.

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Having all my players on International duty in the Champions League final with Leeds on
CM 3.
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
Sega Saturn (£500 out of a club book!)

First game that you got with/for it?
Sega Rally (still one of my favourites)

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
Sega Saturn/ GBA (in my opinion it was a flop)

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Sega Saturn (what a surprise)

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
Bazoka thing for SNES

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Watching MGS/ MGS2 stories unfold

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Trying to make a stunt video in VC
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
Amiga 500+ (had a BBC Micro before that but it was my dads)

First game that you got with/for it?
Lemmings, Bart vs Space Mutants, Captain Planet ( :angry: ) and... I'm sure there was another...

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
Dreamcast, not that £100 was that much

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
Fishing rod controller for that boring DC game

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
The starting sequence to Sensible World of Soccer on PC

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
The bit on the Steamboat in FFV (I think), I got to that bit twice but I could never find where I was meant to go...
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?

First game that you got with/for it?
Super Mario Bros 3

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Sega Dreamcast

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
ROB (or whatever it was) NES

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Completing Final Fantasy 7

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Final Fantasy 8 (the whole game)
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
NES ( does GB count? )

First game that you got with/for it?

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped? ... the only reason I bought it was because I was a fan of Tiger's LCD games.

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Dreamcast. Isnt everyone saying this? I did own a TG16 once...

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
... I got most of my gaming stuff from my grandpa's pawn shop... and pawn shops are the burial ground for weird stuff... there were so many...

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Super Metroid. :D

What was your most frustrating gaming moment ever?
All of them. Seriously.
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
Erm, well i always taxed my mates nes and snes, but the first actual console i owned would be a psx. I had a gamegear which i played for years before that though.

First game that you got with/for it?
Got some multipack of shit games, and for the gamegear it was sonic 1.

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
None really.

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Sega Dreamcast

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
I agree with the maracas for the dc, and the fishing rod :D.

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Probs beating a boss on final fantasy 7 which i had to fake illness to get off school to spend the *whole day* trying to beat!

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Again final fantasy 7, the first disk i bought wouldnt let u walk out of the first coridor you were in, spent ages trying to figure out what to do but it was just a faulty disk! also fun car rally on the megadrive, actually couldnt complete one fucking lap!!! Ever! ARGH WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY!!!
Ok, here's my answers

What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
Atari 2600

First game that you got with/for it?

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
Atari 7800, around $200 at the time

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Sega Dreamcast

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
The Intellevision Voice Synthesizer

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Realizing the princess WASN"T in another castle

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Trying to turn a corner on Checkered Flag for the Atari Jaguar
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
I really can't remember....Either the NES or Spectrum. I was incredibily young, and can't remember what was mine and what was my brothers.

First game that you got with/for it?
Either Postman Pat or Mario Bros/Tetris/Nintendo World Cup

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
Well, I brought a Dreamcast and NGP after they "flopped" :P

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
N64. Best. Console. EVER.

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
Something little-known for the N64 that to my knowledge was never released. For a game called BIO-TETRIS, where you attach a clip to your ear. That then checks your pulse and adjusts the game of Tetris accordingly.

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Seeing Mario in 3D.

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Proberbly Wizpig 1 in Diddy Kong Racing. Mint game though.
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
Sega Gamegear

First game that you got with/for it?
Sonic 2

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
Virtual Boy ($175)

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Virtual Boy

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
Gameboy Printer

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Getting my first level 99 hardcore LOD character in Diablo 2 on the PC. Same. D2 Rules!!

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
The end warthog sequence to Halo on the Xbox. We're on the same page man.
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
If handhelds count, the gameboy. Else: The Amiga 600.

First game that you got with/for it?
Tetris, obviously. For the Amiga.... no idea which of the thousands of games was my first one :D The first one I bought myslef was Lionheart.

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
Virtual Boy, but after it flopped :D

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Again, that would be the Virtual Boy.

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
If we leave the music game peripherals out (which are strange to think of as well) and keep it nostalgic, I think it would be the NES Power Glove... never had one, but seen it in action.

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
FINALLY getting Chrono Trigger and being able to play it. The mentioned moment reappeared when I got final Fantasy 6. Please mind that I am German, it is realy hard and expensive to get those games here, not to mention they will not work on an unmodified SNES;) Also, see next question.

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Finding out that my Adaptor was broken after I got Chrono Trigger. I got a new Adaptor, could save and everything. Then the moment reuccured when I got Final Fantasy 6 and found out you could not do squat without 60 Hz Video. Had to open up my SNES and solder around a little, now it works like a charm.
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?
Sega Master System

First game that you got with/for it?
Alex Kidd in Miracle World / Sonic 1

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?
I havent. Although £50 for a 386 and £30 for Atari Jaguar - I knew where they were going.

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?
Gamegear. Had more life in it dammit. The TV Tuner was something special.

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?
Nintendo Power Glove

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?
Completing all 96 levels of Mario World on SNES. Or completing FFVII or Secret of Mana.

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?
Dying in Alex Kidd. The animation just got plain annoying.
What was the first computer/console you purchased/had brought for you?

VIC-20 :D

First game that you got with/for it?

Blitz (press space to bomb, land the plane)

What console/computer did you spend the most money on that flopped?

GP32 (£200 including SMC) :P

Most Promising system you've owned that didn't deserve to die?

SNES... but nothing lives forever...

Weirdest peripheral for a console/computer you're seen?

quickshot joystick with interchangeable handles... otherwise the maracas for the dreamcast...

What was your favourite gaming moment ever?

rescuing the citizens from the planet with the exploding sun on Elite for the amstrad CPC (they gave me jewels for it :) )

What was you most frustrating gaming moment ever?

getting to level 2 on predator for the amstrad CPC and dying straight away... then having to rewind the tape and load the first level in again... (i resetted it, and that filthy tape never entered my tape-deck again...) :P
