Few Questions I Need Answers Too

washo posted on Mar 27 2004 at 07:46 PM said:
At the very lowest possible settings with lowest sound...
Just set it off and it will be OK to "play"
At least when clocking @ 140MHz I was able to play worms quite good with FS=2

see you :lol:

To me, I would rather play no game, then play a game without sound (with very few exceptions). Sound creates the atmosphere in games. Playing a game without sound is like watching a movie on mute (or one of them dreadfull silent movies). Its interesting, but not really worth watching.

As to Worms. I dont like that game anyway, I am an RPG fan, and not a single RPG (I have tried _many_ of them), playing at 140 or 150 with sound on, and FS 2, plays at a decent speed. Sure some do in the field, but once you get into combat it drops to a unplayable speed.

I am sure the ASM core (if it ever gets here...) will fix the majority of those speed issues, making many games playable at full speed with sound (I hope...), but its not here yet, and my post is based on today, and the results I have gotten trying all of the games in my collection.
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Well id be running stuff such as SNES ang genesis (the most) as well as NES And anything else which tickles my fancy (basically anything with good games)
Well SNES is _almost_ there. I dont mean to put it down (I know it sounds like I am, but I am just being realistic), its going great, its at the point where most games are just barely not playable (and if you have 166 and dont mind no sound, many are playable, but I cant play a game without sound), I am sure that in time we will have a fully playable, with sound, snes emulator (maybe even the next release if it contains the ASM core...)

Genesis however, hasnt been worked on much that I have seen, GBA is being worked on at the moment and for the rest, its basically already done (GB, GG, SMS, NES, PCEngine, AtariST, etc...)

I only have one regret buying the GP32, and thats the batteries. There is NO battery indicator, you're in the middle of a game and all of a sudden the gamepark shuts down. No warning, no battery light like GB's, no time to save, it just goes. (if you have FLU, the flu shuts off and the LCD goes all funky)
Everyone who buys a GP32 takes a risk as it's a bit of an unknown but most people who do get are very glad they did. The community here is very friendly too. NES emulation is very good. PC engine is very good. Atari ST is very good need I go on?

Quite simply if you like retro gaming you'll love the GP32.
You've got a point there Akuma. I've spent the last few evenings creating tiles and sprites for a game concept I've got. I hadn't done any serious graphics work for years. I've only had a GP32 a few months and already I'm getting creative. A couple more weeks and all I'll need is a decent coder ;)
BaDToaD posted on Mar 27 2004 at 09:05 PM said:
You've got a point there Akuma. I've spent the last few evenings creating tiles and sprites for a game concept I've got. I hadn't done any serious graphics work for years. I've only had a GP32 a few months and already I'm getting creative. A couple more weeks and all I'll need is a decent coder ;)
I am a decent coder :) (although my only two GP32 games hardly show it... :P)

Email or PM me your idea if you want.
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Well if all goes well, venosoft may become a developer for GP32. www.venosoft.com.

If RPG's don't work.... i don't know. I love RPGs, and I probably will make them for a living (if I can) I make them now as well, although they're indie.
RPGs work, they are just a bit slow. If you disable sound they work except in combat. Some do "so so" like Live-a-eviL, Lufia works without sound except combat is really slow, same for FF5 it works with slow slow combat, etc... none are really fully playable, but this is just the second release of the emulator.
Wait until the outcome of GBAX 2004 before you make your decision. We should see some really nice things coming out of it (GBA emu, OS9XGP, FFT remake...).

As for not being able to tell when the batteries are low, you can easily test this if you have a FLU by turning on the FLU, if it flickers, the batteries are low. If you don't have a FLU, cover up the red LED with your hand and if it starts to flicker, your batteries are low. Also, if you notice the colors slowly starting to "wash out" and get brighter, your batteries are low.
Snes emu can be a bit of a pain in some games (Secret of mana) but I have found a couple that work nicely (at 150 and sound) shadowrun, zombies ate my neighbours and turtles in time. With Rico's list some people leave comments on settings etc which is useful....me, I just downloaded the entire list :P
Okay, cool im definately going to concider buying one now. Im just gonna do a bit more research etc.