Commercial Games Won't Work

Just me who doesent get y ppl dl warez 4 the gp32 lol i mean it's not like the software is super pricey and gamepark r only a small company who make a kick ass piece of kit. Come on ppl u have 2 suport the little guy can't have nintendo, microsoft, and sony get all the lime light..... particuly not sony damn i hate tht company :angry:
Cool down - nobody ever talked about warez here...

Some guys had problems because they just copied .fpk / .zpk files and some others because they use Pacrom...

So don't blame him for using warez if there are other possibilities for his problem.
I had the same problem as this bloke who made this topic.

I just brought pinball dreams and i got the file as a .fpk file.

I didnt have a clue what it was, i was going to create a new topic but and used the search engine.

I didnt realise you had to use install using the pc link software. Then ppl come along and accues you of downloading warez. pah
Instead of people going "I Smell Warez" Etc... Why not just try and help????????

Everyone here that Goes "I Smell Warez" Etc Also Has Warez on there GP32 and Dont Deny it :angry: !!!!... Roms of Games that you dont own are WAREZ, Films u have on your GP32 That u dont own the original are also WAREZ!!!!!! GGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :P
Ah the double edged sword :P

Anyhow..there is a piece of software that extracts fiiles from a zpk so you do not have to use pc link

I think it is called the Package Extractor.exe from firefly's website
washo posted on Mar 25 2004 at 03:50 PM said:
Would you mind answering the main question.... :ph34r:
Did you buy those games? <_<
I hope so... :unsure:

see you :lol:
Thats better :D....
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All commercial game downloads are encryted to specifically work on one GP32. Try the game on any other GP32 and it will not work hence why warez would not work.