Hows Opensnes9x V0.3 Comin On?

Its odd to see that now most topics turn into arguments over what the gp32 can handle. It used to be about Gba but now that we can (hopefully soon) have the beginings of a nice emu and the argument has now moved on to psx. I dont see a reason for a psx emu but Im not going to discourage anyone that wants to give it a shot. Good luck.

Someone go back to the original topic....PLEASE. (I would love to hear news on this one myself)
the respected coders always said a gba emu coded from scratch would b possible. i think the psx could have some very very very crappy 2d games emulated perhaps. But 2 b honest, there is no way theres gona b a decent psx emu worth playing, itd just b cool as a tech demo. well, theres always gona b the odd few people who just wont accept that and will always think a playable psx emu will popup but its just not going to happen.
Final Fantasy 7 will never fit onto an SMC.

The smallest size possible for ONE cd, with all movies and music ripped, is just over 300mb, I shit you not.
erm....i switch back to topic....

and ask, when will this competition end?

uups...i stupid. just found it....

the closing date is may 1st...this means we'll have to wait 2 long months till we'll see an update of opensnes9xgp?!? damn, thats a pretty long time.

i hope yoyo will give us the 0.3 with fixed transparency and send a 0.4 with the asm core to the competition (that should be a sure 1st place..).

i hope, he has enough time to do that. but if not, it doesn't matter, i love this guy, anyway...
mmm....fullspeeed with sound and transparency problems solved....*drools*

actually I haven't really had any problems with sound, but then I only really play RPG's...

Anyway I played some net yaroze games more than real games, so it should be worth it. Also there were SOME good 2d games for the psx (castlvania for example)
If I could just get up the guts to overclock my GP then the current version of OpenSNES9X might be more fun. Earthbound with no sound and frameskip 2 on still crawls at times :(
Hopefully when I've had the thing for a while I'll stop carrying about feking it up so much, like a new car or bike. Then its time to fry that processor!
RichyX posted on Mar 16 2004 at 09:23 PM said:
If I could just get up the guts to overclock my GP then the current version of OpenSNES9X might be more fun. Earthbound with no sound and frameskip 2 on still crawls at times :(
Hopefully when I've had the thing for a while I'll stop carrying about feking it up so much, like a new car or bike. Then its time to fry that processor!
I was like this at first but then you realise something; it doesent ruin ur gp32.

Processors are always clocked lower than the speed they can go at safetly :/

I overclock my gp32 only when playing nes but it is perfectly safe :)

Took me a few weeks to build up the courage to do it :)

edit: drunken spelling errors :s
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I do hope that all the poste about psx are tongue in cheek....otherwise the whole world has turned into braindead cannon fodder? You have to be plain Stupid to think the GP32 can run PSX...REALLY PLAIN STUPID.
just wait and see, I'm not saying I think it's possible, but I AM saying I have no way of realistically knowing wether this is possible or not. Neither do the majority of people.

Really, just wait and see.
Thanks for the vote of confidence guys ;) but i do worry about about the state of the human race when 80% of peeps on this thread lack any form of common sence :D

PS...i DO belive that FF7 will be playable and released for the new Sony handheld....with sound woohoo.
BaDToaD posted on Mar 14 2004 at 09:08 PM said:
Maybe we could put the story for FF7 into the VNS :rolleyes:

Or how about converting it to GPcinema ;)

Seriously tho even I think FF7 is a bit of a tall order :)
dude with pink hair?
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