Zelda Ocarina Of Time 2d For Gp32

It could happen if he releases the source for it... and it isnt to difficult to translate to the GP's processor.
meh making a zelda clone is easy, but if someone already is making it, porting one is easier :p

It's just almost a complete clone of Zelda : A Link to the Past, but with Ocorina of time stuff in it too :p

but yeah, it would be cool to have it on gp32
Alpha2 posted on Mar 10 2004 at 01:53 AM said:
It could happen if he releases the source for it... and it isnt to difficult to translate to the GP's processor.
It's a GameMaker project...good luck getting the source to that. Of course it could still be rewritten and ported over.
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Could someone email him and talk about releasing the source code?

(Some one like Craig who's review convinced me to buy a gp32 ;) )
Gamemaker? you mean sort of like RPGmaker? then that means it wouldnt exactly have a normal set of code for porting, someone would need to clone it form scratch.
We have gone over this before.

He hasn't coded this game in anything, it is done in a GameMaker. It is therefore impossible to port as there is no source code to speak of (nothing of any use anyway).
GameMaker uses its own scripting language called GML. But, only the behaviors for the objects are written in GML. Everything else is point and click. To port it you would have to rewrite the whole thing.