The Handheld Of The Future


The mighty penguin cat
Jun 8, 2003
Venice - ITALY
Do you remember GallForce, the anime of the '80s? In the far future a girl will play a 3D game with wireframe graphics on a handheld, while in 2002 (or 2001?) GP32 was out: a handheld that can easily move texture mapped games, and it is not science-fiction, on the contrary it is rather cheap.

What I am wondering is: can we just imagine a standard haldheld of the future? With "future" I mean... 2020.

If I try, I start thinking of an incredible hi-resolution bio-luminous screen, but...... will "resolution" still exist? :rolleyes:
TBs of memory and GBs of RAM, a xGhz CPU-GPU, a 9.0 SPU, a configurable virtual touchpad, a battery with hundreds hours of autonomy, and an OS that automatically analizes the software, and emulates the needed hardware if necessary.

But... will a screen be still necessary? And the controller?

Try it yourself, it is funny: you need a lot of imagination :)
It'll have a quantum processor for the brute-force calculations it need to do :D

Optical (no heat....) 1ThZ (Teraherz, dunno if that word exists) processor

50TB of HD


GFX Chip that brute force renders w/ quantum processor (mmmm..... infinity frames per second) & 10GB of RAM

I/O uses mindprojecting, which would let you select people (in range) that you want to allow to do I, O or both :P You can either do full virtual reality mode, transparent full VR mode, or small "screen" mode.


Well, that might be in 3000 :P
Too much for 2020 (infinite fps?!), but interesting and funny.

Why not a molecular processor? I'm not sure that numbers that big will help on future technology.

I suggest an alternative display mode, that switch virtual reality to an alternative local dimension: the guy disappears :lol:
hm, its of course, very nice to have much (nearly infinite) memory, but even in the year 2020 you need information to fill it.
even if you have a resolution, which looks a 100% realistic (let it be a 3D display, or whatever), which information will fill TB or PB of space?

it remebers me of the discussion, when the DVD was developed. people said, that it would be great to have 4hours of music on one disc.
but: an album will never be longer than 1 or 2 hours. do you think, a band in the future will produce an album with 20 hours playtime? no, of course not. and even if videogame-devices have nearly unlimited possibilities, who should write the games that fill that space?
and if you say now, "maybe there arent any human programmers anymore, the games will be developed by intelligent computers", okay then, but who will play these games? intelligent computers, too?

ok, it still needs a long time, till this limit will be reached and we will see things in game-development, that we now cant imagine, but somewhere is a limit, im sure.
In 2019 the handheld machine known as NINTENDO BRAINBOY will be implanted into the arms of all NINTENDO corporate citizens children... this machine will put the child in a comatose state for the duration of the game and the child will appear to be playing a handheld console.

The games will cost between $1000eb - $3000eb (eb = earth bucks)

After crushing all Open-Source activity on any of their systems in the “2012 WAREZ WARZ” Free ROMZ and emus of older systems will be available to Super Nintendo Subliminal Advertising subscribers only.

The latest and best games would be:
Uber Mario in Deutch Land
Zelda 17 Link goes loco
F-Zero 2075
Metroid Primetime

(some things never change :P )
Videogames will be the thing that kills the human race off.

When virtual reality is possible, and we can feel real pain and fear, and are unable to distinguish between whats real and not real, people will have their most deadly weapons.

Virus's could cause you to die a slow and painful death, or watch a loved one be tortured.

Just a thought.
2020? That is 16 years from now, to be accurate lets check history. What did we have 10 years ago on the handheld market? The gameboy. What are we playing on this gp32 of ours? Gameboy games mainly, but something a bit more advanced as well (snes for instance). While you are talking about some hyper advanced brain games, it is not very realistic. I would guess the handhelds in 16 years will be as powerful as a high end computer today. IE perhaps 3-4Ghz with 1GB RAM and a decent enough HD. There is a chance the processor will make a leap, but I very much doubt it. Nothing has really happened with the CPU since the micro processor some 50 years ago, we have only added a few more transistors every year into it.

Something that I really think the handheld developers should give a go is using glasses as the screen. If a large company like Nintendo or Sony gave it a go in the future, I am sure it would be a great success.
the microprocessor was developed by intel in the year 1971, so 33 years ago
pip posted on Mar 9 2004 at 04:19 PM said:
. Nothing has really happened with the CPU since the micro processor some 50 years ago, we have only added a few more transistors every year into it.
just wqait till its been proven that a B]certain[/B] molecule exists and we know how to make it. then bring on the quantum computers :)

:edit: sorry should have made it clearer :edit:
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yes, a molecule exists (actually there are 20 million chemical compounds known today), and yes, we know how to make them.

that has nothing to with quantum-mechanical computers, but if we knew how to build quantum-mechanical computers it would be great!
the gamecube, ps2 and xbox emulators will run full speed on the Microsoft Gamepark128 and will have an embeded version of linux made by SCO (after a court battle deciding that 100% of linux code belongs to SCO).

The screen will be a miniscule projector on glasses that works thru bluetooth2.

You will use gloves for controllers where you have to wave your hands about to control the thing.
0-bake posted on Mar 9 2004 at 04:08 PM said:
hm, its of course, very nice to have much (nearly infinite) memory, but even in the year 2020 you need information to fill it.
even if you have a resolution, which looks a 100% realistic (let it be a 3D display, or whatever), which information will fill TB or PB of space?
Do you know that almost all XBox and PS2 games are larger than 2GBs? A few years ago the medium size was... 1CD per game, and a few years before they said "Mbits", so the games looked bigger.
Uh, and remember the miniDVDs of the incoming PSP :lol:

Anyway I wonder how they can fill all those GBs: game, demos, movies, and...trash?!
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Optical (no heat....) 1ThZ (Teraherz, dunno if that word exists) processor

Isnt 15 Ghz close to the speed of light? making any thing more supposedly impossible and proabably making chips close to 15Ghz mega expencive to produce. You would porbably be looking at multiple processer set ups before then or Quantum processors.

w/ quantum processor (mmmm..... infinity frames
Id imagine Quantum CPU's would either be so powerful they wouldn't require co-prossesers or gfx processors or each "chip" would be so specific in its given job that there would be many, many chips making up a single desk top PC. Quantum processors are supposedly able to crack codes in seconds that would take a feild full of the current gen PC's years(60+?!?) to proccess so I would imagine that no games production costs would cover making graphics so detailed they would take 100+ years to render a sinlge frames of them by todays standards ?? who knows.

I would imagine solid state memory gel like the Anti-EMP stuff used in some military set ups(Helecopters, etc) would replace memory and/or hard drives.

I doubt we are ever going to be plugging things into our heads... with hackers doing what they do with PC's at the mo the last thing id do would be to plug my head into anything 1) Hackable 2) Electric.

The bigest problem with all this awesome funk being hand held is the batteries. In less than a year mobile phones will be so small and so feature packed thet the current battery technology will barely be able to support them for any acceptable period of time so Quantum Handhelds with solid state storage and holo projectors are pobably as far away as batteries that can run them.

Also Microsoft have poached the worlds two leading Quantum Computing boffins so any thing based on this kind of technology looks like its going to be owned out right by MS and they will run the world by 2020. :angry:
JDUK posted on Mar 9 2004 at 07:23 PM said:
Optical (no heat....) 1ThZ (Teraherz, dunno if that word exists) processor

Isnt 15 Ghz close to the speed of light? making any thing more supposedly impossible and proabably making chips close to 15Ghz mega expencive to produce. You would porbably be looking at multiple processer set ups before then or Quantum processors.
as far as i can tell in order to make cpus as fast as they are at the moment they have many pins (and transistors) so it can can be faster than the time it takes to use a transistor. assuming that then surely it can be faster than 15 ghz.

but then again there's the lag from the distance to the chips i suppose.

outputting multiple unique voltages (also only use prime values maybe??) on each pin could yet again increase the speed.
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I think its more about how fast you can actualy make an electron move, being as they cant travel the speed of light you cant move them around at more than 15Ghz thus limiting the speed of current CPU's. As i understand it that is.

So using multiple CPU's would mean more calculations per proccesor cycle as opposed to trying to make to many on a single one.