What Kind Of Visual Novel(VNS) Do You Want?

Which style of story would you prefer for the VNS?

  • Standard school relationship story.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sci-Fi adventure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fantasy adventure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Detective Story

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anything as long as it has drama.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anything as long as it has comedy.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Heroic Autobot
Feb 3, 2004
New York
Very soon I hope to start on an original VNS story(after I take care of a few projects and finish reading all the info and tutorials of course!), unfortunatly I'm not sure which type of story to do due to an overactive imagination.

So I turn to the community to ask what you want to see.... barring porn/hentai (sorry guys!). Not that I wouldn't try to atleast use a few spicy elements of course!
Rival Tolkien??

Yah, allright, I'll get on that right after that cancer cure I'm working on. :P seems like a tie between scifi and fantasy right now, wow no one for the old stand by school story!? :lol:

Continue voting folks, and thanks for the help! It's not only good for me it's good for anyone else thinking of doing a VNS story.
Ah good point, I think we can assume some amount of horror in a sci-fi story though. Space is a dangerous place after all with or without monsters. If anyone has any other ideas or corollaries to the poll options, I encourage your input.
No, these are all CLICHÉS!!

You want a Detective Story - allowing the user to explore a town or something, interviewing suspects and such. Use variables to store his findings and make new questions available. Using the most efficient line of questioning, following some bizarre and exciting events :) you could reach the suspect and the elaborate murder plot will click into place!

Or you could fail and lose your job :)
Yeah I included the detective choice just for this type of idea.

The other night I was playing the Japanese Lawyer game Gyakuten Saiban which even though I couldnt understand enough Japanese to play it was genius in its simple design and seems close to something possible with VNS, but of course I'm no lawyer so I cant really replicate it outside of the things I know from being on Jury duty or watching Law & Order on tv so I figured "detective story." for a choice.

but which ever I do I hope to do multiple endings with paths dependant on what you choose to do and things you pick up along the way if at all optimistically possible (For all I know I might get into this and find myself too stupid to create even a VNS title).
I've gone detective in the hope that the detective story would have some kind of occult or conspiracy bent to it - kind of like Call of Cthulu stories (the non-dreamlands ones a la Charles Dexter Ward, at least).

Or alternatively, any chance of some kind of story similar to that found in the freeware AGS game "Bestowers of Eternity" (although preferably complete and slightly different)? I.e. Trying to find out stuff about family history - and failing to do so will lead you to madness, or some other nasty end. Possibly with a time limit.
hmm... time limit interesting thought... I wonder if that's possible in VNS, although maybe it chould just be handled by counting scenes... back to reading the tutorials!

For anyone whose favorite theme might be loosing out I may still try to include elements if I can but hopefully the second and third runners up would be good territory for other VNS creators to follow later on if they choose!
just a quick bump to keep it visible and get as many votes as possible. I might call an end to the voting on monday so I can make a definite call on what I'll do.
hmm... i voted for detective.. and got the idea of making a conan episode... :)
i like the mangas.. do you think this could become good and playable?
Alpha2 posted on Mar 6 2004 at 08:26 PM said:
Very soon I hope to start on an original VNS story(after I take care of a few projects and finish reading all the info and tutorials of course!), unfortunatly I'm not sure which type of story to do due to an overactive imagination.
I'm curious--Are you doing all of your own graphics? I ask because that is the ONLY thing preventing me from making one and I was wondering if we could possibly partner up. I have some programming experience and I have been dabbling some with the code using the graphics in the demos.
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Yeah, I'm a bit of an artist you can see some of my work on the www link I have. Right now I'm a little over whelmed trying to learn plus I have a lot of RL things going on and a few other commitments. But any help from people familliar with the VNS would be helpful especially once I get hip deep in it.

As it stands any of the subjects on the poll would make for a decent VNS, whether it's mine or not. Though I can't guarentee a spectacularly explosive story untill I decide which way to go on it... I mean I have ideas but I still like to get a feel for the people I'd be making it for besides myself.
I'd love a sci-fi in the vein of sekai no monshou (crest of the stars) or fantasy like nausicaa. But I'm fed up with the school romance pap.....
Why don't you combine sci-fi and mystery? Like in Isaac Asimov's early robot books; it could be quite interesting, I think, and it worked pretty well for him.
It would essentially be a mystery story, but in a future world (one that is equally as gritty as today's).

Just a suggestion, since Sci-fi and Mystery are the two leading contenders right now...
I might make hentai vns novels but it doesnt mean im bad :P just a perv :D :D :D

If u seen howmany emails and pm's i got u think the gp32 community were pervs lol

But anyway im glad to help you with a few things if you need it.

I'm always available but to make it simpler on you

Use the VBVNS editor it will let anyone make a vns story without knowing how to do any programming what so ever.

It's a good program check it out :)

NiN^_^NiN posted on Mar 8 2004 at 01:45 AM said:
I'm always available but to make it simpler on you

Use the VBVNS editor it will let anyone make a vns story without knowing how to do any programming what so ever.

It's a good program check it out :)
The thing kept giving me problems. Personally, I'd rather code it by hand. I know I'm not in the majority in that...
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Esn - Right now I'm kinda leaning in the direction os a sci-fi/detective story like you mentioned. Unless the poll changes drastically between now and monday afternoon that's probably what I'll end up doing. (I read a few of Azimov's books too.) We'll see what happens!

NiN^_^NiN - I think you can expect a few emails from me once I get started, even USEING the VBVNS! :P

As for hentai, I like sex as much as the next guy I'm just not the one to do a game based around it, but as I said I'm not against suggestive themes.