gp32 broken

Apr 5, 2003
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:o im am so scared right now. :o i made a smc w/ songs and pu them in. on the 8th song the screen started to flicker and then restarted. i said oookaaay and then put in little wizard that i got off joygp. when i put it in the screen flickered and slowly turned all white and went eeeee and restarted. i then put in her knights and the screen went static and went eeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr. since i was in the car i said ok ill go to sleep and check back.when i woke up it worked fine. the next day it happened again. did it overclock or what? :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Batteries, they settle down over night and regain some power, so you can use them as new until they fizzle out (very quickly). recharge them or get new ones.
No panic! This sounds like an pair of empty batteries - I'm sure that your GP32 will run like before with new ones
I know this may sound very very stupid... but I have to ask...

Have you changed the batteries?
Don't worry, it's like a rite of passage for every GP32 user, you get your GP32, your doing all kinds of cool things with it, then... The white screen, you start to panic, try again it works for a while then... nothing, then you change the batteries and everything's fine. It really should be mentioned in an FAQ or the manual, but where's the fun in that?
phew u were rite it was the batteries thanks i almost got a heart attack. if my gp32 broke i dont know what id do. id probably die or cry and lay in the fetile position for hours and go into a dark downward spiral of drugs and alcohol like on E true hollywood story but thank god its ok :lol: :lol: :lol:
haha! :lol:

The first time this happened to me was when my little 8 years old niece got hold of my GP32
while I was not watching, and when she gave it back to me, she had this strange guilty look on
her face.

The GP32 was still running, the LED was glowing as red as ever, but it had only a big, ugly
stripe of dead pixles across the screen. I was sure she must've dropped it or something, and
that it was broken. I had a very hard time trying to remain calm! But after I changed the
batteries, everything worked fine again. :D
Same here :lol: ,

I had the 'almost dead battery problem' while uploading from PC to GP32. After blaming everyone from Sandisk to Microsoft I realised maybe I should put the GP32 on the adaptor when uploading.