Gba Emu

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diablo2 posted on Mar 31 2004 at 02:55 AM said:
that doesn't make any sense to me either every gp32 user will hype it up when it is released why not get the fame and money and the girls
Yes the gp32 users will use it, but that is about it.

If it is released in the competition and wins over zodiac programs etc, the zodiac community will be well aware of it. The zodiac community even reported their own GBA emulator (gbaZ) to Nintendo, so what do you think their jealousy will drive them to do if they see one for the GP32? It is better to keep as low profile as possible.
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Maybe washo and the yaronet gang could talk to him :P

Hopefully he'll make it as complete as necessary by the end of the competition, so that wont matter that much pip. Zodiac COULD report it, but it's not like Nintendo could actually do anything about it. The patent only applies to North American software, wheras this guy is in France. The only thng that I'm afraid could happen is that Nintendo sends him an E-mail (even though they have no legal backing) before he is done and he doesn't release it because he is scared. THAT would suck :(
Emulation is completely legal, damn straight. If you read Electronic Copyright laws, emulation is lega, because you are reverse engineering hardware, so you are not stealing rights and/or money. Wheras roms ARE illegal, as you are taking away revenue due to authors of games and nintendo.
it's been proved many times but you can take anyone to court
nintendo can take the dip in money but a relative small frenchman can not
If the small fenchman can convince the grand jury, then a trial is not even held. Not only that, I don't think it is legal for NOA to sue a French citizen. Only the United States may do that. And unles the US wants this to become a national issue, i DOUBT NOA can do ANYTHING.
Razor-X posted on Mar 31 2004 at 02:21 AM said:
Emulation is completely legal, damn straight. If you read Electronic Copyright laws, emulation is lega, because you are reverse engineering hardware, so you are not stealing rights and/or money. Wheras roms ARE illegal, as you are taking away revenue due to authors of games and nintendo.
Sigh... Nintendo aren't saying that emulation is illegal... quite the opposite in fact.

They are claiming they have come up with the "innovation" of emulating a GB/GBC/GBA on a low power device (a PDA type device being listed of one of the examples). They have patented this innovation, and therefore hold the rights to doing this.

Its another one of these ridiculous patents that has been granted in the US in recent years, with virtually no innovation gone into it beyond thinking up the idea of patenting something completely obvious.
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diablo2 posted on Mar 31 2004 at 10:47 PM said:
is their a place that i can download that emulator?
Which emulator??

If you are talking about the Nintendo Patented one, then I dont think it even exists really. Its just to stop other people releasing them.

If they did release one though, you can bet your life it'd cost to buy.
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maybe he is just talking about the gba emu for the GP32 :

see you :lol:

PS : Keep in mind this is a early alpha stage release...:)
only few demos works but pretty fast...around 5 times the original speed...
PPS : The FXE is not compressed so if you wanna impress you friend you can even overclock the emu @ 166MHz to reach a 6 times faster :D
Timpas posted on Apr 2 2004 at 05:18 PM said:
I already have a gba and a flash card ,so hmm whatever...
Yeah, thanks for that, cockend. Consider thinking about people other than yourself for once.
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diablo2 posted on Apr 2 2004 at 08:48 PM said:
plus u could have so many more roms with a smc than a flash linker
same amount, i think i gigabit flashkart is either 128mb or 256mb *forgot which*
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MegaBIT :8 and you get MegaBYTE

i own a 128megaBIT flashcart, which are 16 MegaBYTE but i want GP advance anyway because i coudl fit sooo many roms on one 128 megaBYTE card :)
and flashcarts are HELL more expensive than SMCs!
(and i could save wherever i want once slot saving is supported :) )
yeah i defenently think that we will have a leg of gba with the new gba emulator
freeze frame saving would totally rock

the only think that i wish we could do with the gba is to get an internal clock so that the games that support it would be much easier to play.
..there are only the pkmn games that use that i think and they can be patched so you can speed up the time with l+r (well at least theres a patch for the german version)
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