Gba Emu

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posted on Mar 28 2004 at 08:09 PM
Efompor posted on Mar 26 2004 at 10:10 PM said:
Oh man I can't wait for this, GBA is getting two new Shining Force games starting in June and to be able to play them on my GP32 full screen would be a dream
they´ll probably be bigger than 4 MB, though. There are a lot good Games for GBA out (just imagine Golden Sun), but most of them are >4MB.

keep in mind that the emu should allow roms bigger than 4M and maybe a 32M version will be available...I hope so...
If a 32M is OK so all the games should work...

see you :lol:
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i thought it would be possible to make a version that has both 8MB and 32MB ram programed into it, i think it's on the cobbleware's 32mb tutorial site
google it.....
and the 8 and 32 meg issue isnt that easy , but its not hard
you have to change the bios to recognize the ram and work
then an indvigual app must have been coded to use the extra memory because any other app only uses the standard 8...

i think with the 32mb ram upgrade it will work.... but youll have to change ALL the fxes you want to have to work with the 32mb ram mod... theres already a windups 0.99 32mb ram version i think....
Wolfsclaw posted on Mar 30 2004 at 08:22 PM said:
i think with the 32mb ram upgrade it will work.... but youll have to change ALL the fxes you want to have to work with the 32mb ram mod... theres already a windups 0.99 32mb ram version i think....
nope. it's completely backwards compatible with old fxe's. (read up on it on Rob's site)
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Well... if you don't change them, then they'll run exactly as before - but they'll only use the first 8mb. A changed fxe will use all 32mb, which is kind of the point of the mod...

But the key thing is that you *won't* be crippling yourself if you do the upgrade to the extent of having to patch everything before you run it.

Edit: jegHegy got there first :P
What was he saying before about it though
for a while he said that it looked like roms of 4mbs would run on it i am getting confused

i want another beta
Which GP32 projects have acually been ENTERED in the GBAX 2004 competition? Hopefully this will be, and OPENSNES9xGP too. Maybe fGEN as well. ohh I can't wait for may of this year. :P
Efompor posted on Mar 30 2004 at 11:52 PM said:
Which GP32 projects have acually been ENTERED in the GBAX 2004 competition? Hopefully this will be, and OPENSNES9xGP too. Maybe fGEN as well. ohh I can't wait for may of this year. :P
Yes I agree If Opensnes9x and Fgen and Fgb updates are there than I'm gonna have a very fun May :D :lol:
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Efompor posted on Mar 31 2004 at 12:52 AM said:
Which GP32 projects have acually been ENTERED in the GBAX 2004 competition? Hopefully this will be, and OPENSNES9xGP too. Maybe fGEN as well. ohh I can't wait for may of this year. :P
He said he didn't want to enter with this emulator since it would bring unwanted attention to it (compare it to gbaZ)
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that doesn't make any sense, he wouldn't GET any attention for it until it would be released, and no matter how he releases it, it will get lots and lots of attention. So one way he releases it and gets some prizes, and the other way he doesn't, right? I mean he doesn't HaVE to hype it up that he's entered it into the competition... which makes me wonder if he actually entered it in then and just wants to keep it a secret... :huh:

Sorry, I confuse myself
that doesn't make any sense to me either every gp32 user will hype it up when it is released why not get the fame and money and the girls
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