Is Zodiac Killing The Gp32?

yoyofr posted on Feb 24 2004 at 07:20 AM said:
Hi All!

Just wanted to say I did not stop working on OS9XGP 0.3 .
It's true that I'm working on the Z too, so it's about 50/50. Moreover bugfix &
improvements made on the Z version can be used in the gp32 version and so on...

So no, gp32 scene hasn't lost another emu coder... :P

I just want to finish adding some little features like input swapping (a la LJGP32, to enable 2 players -no simultaneous- games & zapper & mouse, ....) and
improving a little the transparency stuff...

asm cpu core is still waiting too. I really need more time ... :unsure:
best news ever...... Thanks yoyo. :)
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Zodiac..hmm, can't see it being a massive success with PSP and nintendo DS round the corner, unless the price drops. My guess is a lot of people who are games and business orientated are buying it. I won't bother, an extra 34MHZ? it just isn't worth it.

Personally, If it wasn't for the EMU scene, I wouldn't have a GP. I mean, what would you have to play on it? not a lot. I was hoping for some decent commercial games, but I am quite happy to go retro. And I really like the GP community as well, other than the Amiga, it's the only one I post to.

I think people should stop scare mongering about coders moving scene. The machines are similar in terms of speed and CPU, so most coders will be happy to work on both.
Thats great news, cool to hear that both machines can share improvements and bugfixes. Everyones a winner then :P

Anyway thanks for your work so far. little john is great more than happy with that, any improvements on snes emulation is just a nice bonus :D
I'm going to stick with the gp32, by the time I'd have saved up enough money for the zodiac the psp will be out, and for around the same price by the sounds of it. Now that would be a good system to code for, but it'll be a while before homegrown development tools are good enough. Too many custom chips. That's why the gp is so good. The tools are all there already.
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I offer it anyway:

Thank you very much for all your great work on these emus, yoyofr. :)
watzza_uppa posted on Feb 24 2004 at 01:44 PM said:
ave a look see at this

Yeah, that's being discussed on other threads. Nice design+specs, all wasted on a postage stamp N-gage size screen, criminal. Apparently it's got automatic spam advert download over GPRS as well.
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There would be sweet if yoyofr could add a image and maybe name the nes emu little ljon instead of yoyofr and version.

I use the new euro beta bios and I like icons like all other emus.
Oh no not again! :)

Why is it one small niche scene must always prey on another small niche scene? It seems to be a hot topic on both GP32x / gp32emu, and ZodiacGamer.. people flaming each other back and forth. Awful stuff. I think everyone just needs to take it easy and enjoy :)

People will come and go; seeing conspiracies won't make anyone any happier, so don't bother with it ;) yoyo has a Zodiac, and its a way cool machine. *Naturally* he'll screw with it.. why not? As long as GP32 is fun, he'll do that too. Like me.. I've got an update to CaSTaway coming. But there doesn't need to be many CaSTaway updates.. its more or less done, and everyone has it do what they need it to do.

How many of the GP32 folks have also done GBA flash stuff?

Dont' sweat it guys, and let YoYo have his fun. You already know rlyeh, yoyo and me are doing both as best we can, and things come and go.. no worries :)

Besides.. GP32 scene is quite mature already, having a lot of good stuff. It can afford to sit a bit ;) Remember, that just because somethign new comes out, it does not devalue what you have. Advertising hjas made peopel forget this.. but just because someone makes a new song, doesn't make an old song bad right?

The GP32 "scene" is one of the best. The #gp32 channels in IRC as great, and the GP32 scene has spawned a lot of lasting friendships. But sometimes you gotta dabble.. devvers do this stuff becuase its fun after all :)


(I'm still always in IRC, and I still check the usual GP32 boards and websites every day, I'm just working too much to participate as much as I used to.. participating in the forums for an hour a day is an hour I coudl be devveing.)

Aside, I'm working on a new old school game engine, and its for GP32, Palm OS and Zodiac all at once..
DuderJace posted on Feb 24 2004 at 06:40 AM said:
I'm going to stick with the gp32, by the time I'd have saved up enough money for the zodiac the psp will be out, and for around the same price by the sounds of it. Now that would be a good system to code for, but it'll be a while before homegrown development tools are good enough. Too many custom chips. That's why the gp is so good. The tools are all there already.
The PSP will be developer hostile; ie: GP32 is based on SMC.. a technol,ogy we can deal with, and GamePark made the Free Launcher so we can launch our own unsigned apps. Same with the Zodiac pretty much.. its common (SD plus Palm OS hotsync) and very open (free and cost tools, tonnes of docs, etc). But the PSP is both on a foreign technology (so no one has a PC side writer tool for it), and it requires signing and such for the applications to run at all.. so the question is.. how expensive will the dev kits be? Or will Sony be "nice" and allow some small niche group (like the Linux hackers for PS2)... but you know all along that Sony makes it hard (The linux hackers can run each others stuff, but normal PS2 owners can't use their stuff at all).

So in my uninformed opinion, the PSP will not be an open platform... so its a different marketplace than Zodiac, GP32, Palm OS, Pocket PC, etc... its against he GBA-SP..

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While on the subject, skeezix or yoyo. Pocketsnes for the GBA seems very fast (though no game is really playable due to so many glitches). Seeing as it mainly uses ASM and utilizes an ARM processor, how difficult would it be to use some part of the code from it and inset it into osnes9x (to improve performance)? I am well aware of the GBA having a few separate chips, yet shouldn't some parts of the core be useful still?
pip posted on Feb 24 2004 at 12:40 PM said:
While on the subject, skeezix or yoyo. Pocketsnes for the GBA seems very fast (though no game is really playable due to so many glitches). Seeing as it mainly uses ASM and utilizes an ARM processor, how difficult would it be to use some part of the code from it and inset it into osnes9x (to improve performance)? I am well aware of the GBA having a few separate chips, yet shouldn't some parts of the core be useful still?
Depends a lot.. ie: Is the emu living on the GBA hardware? The GP32 having no real hardware accel support means using code from hardware based systems is tough; Yoyo would have to look..

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Just one quick note:

yoyofr has NOT abandoned the GP32 projects!
He's working on them pretty actively, to be exact.

I'll post more info about his projects soon in the news - when I have some more time ;)
what about rlyeh, we didnt here about him for some time... (or am i wrong)
it would be nice to see some news on those projects like fgen or fmame?
also perhaps a new version of fgb32.. it needs just a bit more improvement, then it would be perfect.
Yes.. i know that these coders are working for free and all that.. but its really shit if they work hard on a emu and then stop it.. saying nothing, dont releasing any sources :(
:D THats great news yoyo and all thanks too all very deeply :P Now if we could just get a confirmation from rlyeh that would be awesome.
THanks for keepng the Gp32 alive. :ph34r: