Oh no not again!
Why is it one small niche scene must always prey on another small niche scene? It seems to be a hot topic on both GP32x / gp32emu, and ZodiacGamer.. people flaming each other back and forth. Awful stuff. I think everyone just needs to take it easy and enjoy
People will come and go; seeing conspiracies won't make anyone any happier, so don't bother with it

yoyo has a Zodiac, and its a way cool machine. *Naturally* he'll screw with it.. why not? As long as GP32 is fun, he'll do that too. Like me.. I've got an update to CaSTaway coming. But there doesn't need to be many CaSTaway updates.. its more or less done, and everyone has it do what they need it to do.
How many of the GP32 folks have also done GBA flash stuff?
Dont' sweat it guys, and let YoYo have his fun. You already know rlyeh, yoyo and me are doing both as best we can, and things come and go.. no worries
Besides.. GP32 scene is quite mature already, having a lot of good stuff. It can afford to sit a bit

Remember, that just because somethign new comes out, it does not devalue what you have. Advertising hjas made peopel forget this.. but just because someone makes a new song, doesn't make an old song bad right?
The GP32 "scene" is one of the best. The #gp32 channels in IRC as great, and the GP32 scene has spawned a lot of lasting friendships. But sometimes you gotta dabble.. devvers do this stuff becuase its fun after all
(I'm still always in IRC, and I still check the usual GP32 boards and websites every day, I'm just working too much to participate as much as I used to.. participating in the forums for an hour a day is an hour I coudl be devveing.)
Aside, I'm working on a new old school game engine, and its for GP32, Palm OS and Zodiac all at once..