Cybiko Xtreme

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After purchasing one off of Ebay for $22.50, I found that I was quite happy with this little gadget, there's a lot of quality games for it, its basically like playing old Gameboy games, nothing really flashy but alot of fun. If you a gaming collector or just collect gadgets, I recommend picking one of these up...the major flaw is the amount of memory, there's hardly any, but if you can find the MP3 player that was released it for there is slot to put a SMC in it.
Cybiko suxx... i remember when the community was huge.... now its about 12 people... the only active community is

Some ppl post here, but i dbout any more ames get done :(
It's main processor runs at 11MHz. :o

I saw one of those in Best Buy a year or so ago... It would have been fun then, but now that I have a GP32 I doubt I'd be able to stand playing it for more than 5 min.

@blipped: there are a few different models. try using google image search. for pics and info... plus i never said it was a godly item, just a cool little gadget and has some pretty good games despite what it is.