Cybiko. This Gadget Any Good?

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once again, like my GP32, i found out about this little gadget by accident. To get more info, I went to Cybiko website to get more info. well it doesn't look impressive, but it looks interesting. Plays mp3, wireless chat, all kinds of stuff, and these things are dirt cheap on Ebay.

Does anybody have one of these?? What is it like?? The games any good??
I agree. The most 'Fun' you can have is when you have more then one so you can do wireless link games. MP3 is not standard. You have to by a seperate MP3 add-on (plus SMC cards to hold your MP3's). The screen is also very blurry (like old gameboys).

But if your a collector it sure is worth it's money. If only to show people how even bad ideas can be turned into a product ;)
Well, i was looking through the site, and even though this thing looks crappy, it also looks like it has a bunch of good apps. the games don't look great but its alot cheaper than a normal PDA, and has all the stuff I would generally use a pda for anyhow, so I think i'm gonna pick one up :P
I got one of the old ones a couple of years ago when they were full price. I hate them. Plain and simple. First off, the company had a promotion going where they would give you the MP3 player for free, but they did not follow through. Also, it just stopped work after about 2 months as did those of 2 friends of mine who also had them. The company, at the time, had also promised Internet connection at Wi-Fi hotspots but that never happened. The apps kinda suck and the only cool thing is the wireless chat (but obviously you need someone else to have one).
exg: I have mine that I was going to put on eBay, if you're interested then you could buy it off me... no idea what the going rate is but doubt it's much

Send me an email if you're interested
too late, i just picked one up for $22 off of ebay. Pretty cheap I thought since the official site sells them for $99.