New Gp32 Mp3 Player


The Awesome Guru
Dec 28, 2003
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Team K<sum>YAA will release a new MP3 player saturday the 7th !

Source : GP32 Notebook
Got info from who got it from GP32 Notebook *they have link on their page*

Guess they will add some mroe fancy features to the already pretty good MP3 player
I think this one is smoother than the previous release...
The little anim on the upper right is running at fullspeed even when playing and the menu isnt slowing down

see you :lol:
Working on an MP3 player alternative myself (alas no OGG output, if you can find a good library for it I might add it later) which already does things the official one doesn't (for example actually plays all mp3s I've got properly regardless of bitrate, and does seeking back/forward which is important for talking books), and will include an equaliser, possibly normalisation, definitely quality playlist handling and may also make it skinnable if I can really be arsed.

Even planning on adding a power save feature so it puts the GP32 to sleep if left idle.

Got plenty of cpu time free at the moment, but then it doesn't do much graphical stuff (text interface at present) so I may even be able to clock it lower than the 67Mhz default, but whatever I add I have no intention of taking it higher.

Also, on the subject of responsiveness in the controls, the problem relates to reading of the SMC card, it really locks up the cpu from doing anything else. Maybe down to the official SDK, perhaps the unofficial one by Mr Mirko is faster, it certainly can't be anymore buggy. :)
RobertJ posted on Feb 7 2004 at 12:23 PM said:
Working on an MP3 player alternative myself (alas no OGG output, if you can find a good library for it I might add it later) which already does things the official one doesn't (for example actually plays all mp3s I've got properly regardless of bitrate, and does seeking back/forward which is important for talking books), and will include an equaliser, possibly normalisation, definitely quality playlist handling and may also make it skinnable if I can really be arsed.

Even planning on adding a power save feature so it puts the GP32 to sleep if left idle.

Got plenty of cpu time free at the moment, but then it doesn't do much graphical stuff (text interface at present) so I may even be able to clock it lower than the 67Mhz default, but whatever I add I have no intention of taking it higher.
yes! a good user made mp3 player! can i make 1 suggestion that would make it THE player to carry round with me? the ablilty to skip forward and back tracks using the r and l buttons. that way i can skip track without taking it out my pocket as i can feel around. even better, the ability to assign buttons to tasks urself :D. that would be immense :lol:. let me know if u need any help at all :rolleyes:.
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Funnily enough it already does that. :)

But I want to allow the buttons to be configurable via a config file, so if you don't use certain features and don't want anything bound to the joystick then you could remove them so it didn't accidentally scan around whilst in your pocket.

Going to try and put a WIP page up this weekend.
Got plenty of cpu time free at the moment, but then it doesn't do much graphical stuff (text interface at present) so I may even be able to clock it lower than the 67Mhz default, but whatever I add I have no intention of taking it higher.

The one thing I'd like to have added to the mp3 players is CDG support (Karaoke text), that would rock if you could make it happen. Singalong with my GP32 on the streets. :D
Dan Fury posted on Feb 7 2004 at 02:20 PM said:
Got plenty of cpu time free at the moment, but then it doesn't do much graphical stuff (text interface at present) so I may even be able to clock it lower than the 67Mhz default, but whatever I add I have no intention of taking it higher.

The one thing I'd like to have added to the mp3 players is CDG support (Karaoke text), that would rock if you could make it happen. Singalong with my GP32 on the streets. :D
omg :blink:
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Karaoke rock, Period. :P
I just found my love to it through the Xbox Music Mixer, it's so funny to force your friends to sing cruel songs and show the record to everyone else. :lol:
Dan Fury posted on Feb 7 2004 at 05:51 PM said:
Karaoke rock, Period. :P
I just found my love to it through the Xbox Music Mixer, it's so funny to force your friends to sing cruel songs and show the record to everyone else. :lol:
Someone please ban this guy before it spreads ;)
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Still crashes on my GP. Never been flashed or messed with in any similar way. Comes up with what I assume is a splash screen saying "MP3 Player" and "MP3 File & List File Loading..." on a black background with a graph and spotlights in the background. The Gamepark logo is in the bottom right corner.

List file? What List File? Is this my problem?
All I ask in an MP3 app is this....

1: Equalizer.

2: Find a way to kick up the slightly weak bass.

3: Skinnability.

4: Visualizations (if possible, could replace the player list and menu with the visualization to save a little power)

Then it would be perfect (Like a little portable winamp :D )
ColinR posted on Feb 8 2004 at 05:21 AM said:

Still crashes on my GP. Never been flashed or messed with in any similar way. Comes up with what I assume is a splash screen saying "MP3 Player" and "MP3 File & List File Loading..." on a black background with a graph and spotlights in the background. The Gamepark logo is in the bottom right corner.

List file? What List File? Is this my problem?
That's just it loading all your mp3s, how long have you tried leaving it? It takes about 30s if you have a lot.
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I've knocked up a quick GpMad MP3 development page, and will hopefully release a very very early beta in the next fortnight.

Atm I'm just sorting out a playback bug (relating to the current play time displayed) and seperating out the audio buffer code. Once that's done it should have some good basic functionality to warrant a beta release, just so people can pick up bugs and stuff.