Regarding ZX Spectrum emulation,
All three ZX Spectrum emulators are okay, but there are room for improvements. Realisticly, what we have at the moment is 48k Spectrum, with non finished sound, speed (either crackled sound, too slow too fast, etc). If all these problems got a little bit polished then we would have a very awesome Speccy emu!

When these problems are sorted out, then we can look forward to 128k Spectrum. No disrespect to the emulator creators, but us, as a user, always look for the best emulators for the GP32, if there are any emulators that aren't as good as others, then it is inevitable that they will get deleted. And at the moment, the only ZX Spectrum emulators that i use are: ZXGP32 Beta 3 and GPSpeccy. I use ZXGP32 B3, mostly, as this has better sound and speed, but sometimes use GPSpeccy, as this seems to play Manic Miner, unlike the other! <_< As for Speccyal'K v0.6, i am sorry to say, doesn't get much use, as the roms don't seem to load up, as they do on other emus.
As i said, no disrespect for the emu creators, i am very grateful for the support and releases of the emulators, but i only use the better ones. Having said that, 128k Spectrum emulation would very much be possible on GP32, as i have a ZX Spectrum emulator (ASp) for Amiga 1200 that runs on the old Motorola 68060 processor, and runs on AGA (full screen or window) at full speed. AGA, is an old chipset that display 256 colours!

So GP32 would handle this no problem.
OK! Maybe i was a little harsh on Speccyal'K v0.6, i might have another try later on. As other people have seem to have got it working pretty good.