Email Or Web Browser For Gp32?

Shaking Spirit posted on Feb 2 2004 at 08:08 PM said:
Windows is as long as linux is to boot, you just have the windows fuzzy feeling with windows changing booting screens which simulate speedy boot.
Strange! My linux takes about 10 seconds to boot! :):P
There are as many different Linux in the world as there are linux users :lol:
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actually, regarding touchscreen, the gp32's cpu SHOULD have pins for a tochscreen... i'm not POSITIVE... but i'm pretty sure it does...
id luv it if gamepark just brought out a special edition gp32 (a la gba sp) with better contruction and a better flu switch. id b sold straight away. especially if it was a flip jobby like the gba sp.
heck yeah to that. That'd mean the normal gp32 would drop in price by maybe 50 bucks and I could afford one!!!
I was trying to make a HTML viewer with only a few tags (<img> & <br> & other stimple stuff) But since there is no gm_sscanf() function in the gp32sdk and I don't exactly feel like writing one, then prolly not :)
rcx21000 posted on Feb 3 2004 at 11:18 PM said:
I was trying to make a HTML viewer with only a few tags (<img> & <br> & other stimple stuff) But since there is no gm_sscanf() function in the gp32sdk and I don't exactly feel like writing one, then prolly not :)
There must be an open source web browser for other ARM cpus?
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I would love to have a HTML viewer on my GP32, seeing as internet connection is prob never gonna happen then being able to just download web pages and then transfer to GP32 would be really brilliant!
Its def one of the things rite at the top of my wish list for the GP32!
rcx21000 if there is any chance of you keep working on an HTML viewer then I rlly think it would be a big highlight of the GP32. :)