Mac Support


Still Fresh
Jan 26, 2004

New member here; haven't purchased one yet, but I'm liking what I see so far. I saw mention of Mac (OS9? OSX?) support but can't find anymore details. Will I be able to load and manage the emulators? What about movies (I really like the idea of watching Invader Zim on it...that much closer to having a Game Slave)? Or am I going to be limited to the GP32 games?

Also, how does battery life compare to the GBA SP?

Thanks in advance,
Tir-Na-Nog or Bust!
The only question i can answer for you is the battery question. The batteries generally last 8-10 hours for me, NOT OVERCLOCKING, but i run most of my apps at 156mhz so it drains them a little bit quicker. But on the average, they last just as long as GBA
Mac nut! hah! :P Anyway Mac OSX support is pretty good for a single man crusade. None of my stuff has fancy GUIs though, so just commandline stuff. I recommend to use OSX 10.2.8 or better because that will save you a lot of trouble. The only thing you can't actually do with Mac is installing & buying online commercial software, because there is no encryption support in any tool (you can install FPKs or open ZPKs but not encrypt).
Edit: Turns out I had some bum batteries and I'm an idiot. Everything's smooth sailing now and I love this thing so much.