New MP3 player


Still Fresh
Jul 12, 2003
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Is anyone working on some kind of MP3 player? If yes I have some ideas/wishes:

1) I wonder if the player could switch off the screen in hold mode for power saving...
2) playlist sorting/management commands
3) fast forward
4) external font support (for example for cyrillic/(not western) ID3 tags support)
5) folders reading
6) ID3v2 support

I'm quite satisfied with the sound of existing players (I use MP3 Player v0.99, MP3NEW.fxe,528KB)

Thnx for reading and hopefully using this ideas ;)
damn right, no bass.

and i'm not against visualisations, but functionality and a simple looking interface should be the biggest priority (i'm talking functional and AESTHETIC, not functional and crap-looking :P)
The menu system of the iPod is really minimal & retro but so easy to use. The GP32 has enough buttons etc to just 'emulate' that and I'd be very happy! (gPod?)

Visualisations would be nice (a la itunes) or the function to show the album cover whilst tracks are playing.

Basically I would have the GP32 in my pocket or bag when listening on the tube or elsewhere, so that takes a back seat for me in favour of ease of use when you DO pull it out of your bag to change tracks etc...
