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I thought craig had a girl friend :( , anyway I have a question for you craig, do you ever update the cds that come with the gp32?

p.s @angrypants- you're pretty calm for a person called angrypants :P
Right, he got mad because he asked someone to break the law and they wouldn't. Got it.

Also, as an "older" guy in this scene (29 years young), let me give a nickel's worth of free advice here. If you have problems with a company, the best way to get something done about it is to contact the company, NOT go to a public forum and start posting trash about the company. This is the second post I've seen where people have come here crying about Craig instead of calling him or e-mailing him to try and resolve the problem.

I don't know Craig and I didn't order mp GP32 from Craig, but I'm willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I know from buying and selling a lot of eBay that sometimes, shit happens, and if a mistake is made, 99% of the people I've dealt with will bend over backwards to "make it right." The GP32 scene is small enough that anyone selling merchandise to the community can't afford to go around pissing people off. As a small company, I've seen Craig have a couple of "mix-ups", and at least from what's been publicly posted, he's taken care of everyone and made everything right.

My two cents ...

Well I ordered my GP32 from Craig, and all I got was good service. I dont even mind telling you that they promised me one, failed to deliver due to massive demand, but STILL got hold of one for me by the next day!

Thanks a lot, and I hope noone is put of ordering by this thread. GBAX - a great little company that needs all the support they can get :D

My $50 "CD-ROM" from arrived a day or so ago, i didnt have to pay any customs .. thanks GBAX :P
i can't believe the cheek of this guy!!!
He wants to fiddle the Tax man AND get himself a cheaper than cheap GP32!!!

I bought my GP32 through and have NO complaints about them what-so-ever.

I tell ya, yer lucky it wasn't me that answered the phone to ya!
I'd have given you dogs abuse for being a complete chancer!!!!
(if i worked for GBAx that is :) )

Some people... honestly... tch!
RTj, Flack: wait up.

no, i think the guy just wanted a lower value writinng on his shipping form to avoid tax costs when it comes into his country. its comon practise and sounds like the gbax lady was having a bad day!

That was written by someone who got good service.
Maybe in his country it is indeed common practise to do that, maybe it's not legal, I don't know.

Although he's still an idiot for raging about it on these boards.

- Rico
It is illegal to do that, but its only to stop importation of cheap goods to encourage buying locally. Where, may I ask, can you get a GP32 locally? =P
the whole tax thing is a pain, presumably gbax have to pay some sort of importation tax when they get the units, then add VAT when they sell them. without tax i think a GP32 would cost tuppence to buy, well maybe a bit more.
I should close this topic at the begining, but ufortunatelly i was away from my office for a whole day untill now. As far as i know and please rememeber that i as owner of this site has NO reason to advertise any of the shop selling GP32, can only say that a lot of people has bought from GBAX and there was no complains about GBAX service. The way SHING02 is posting is not acceptable on thi board at all. This is friendly community, Craig is very active here and do a lot of good job for GP32 community what is very important for us all. He answers everytime anybody need help related to GBAX services. So i close this topic because its useless talking about bulshit SHING02 has told.
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