Sony PSP design

concept... all concept (so mostly making up) just have patience till q4 2004 (or some lucky guys who go to the E3, including my bro :angry: and not me since im 17 <_< and you need to be 18)

just like nintendo with their new project -> only one thing they released about it

'movement' (wow thats a lot) and that isnt a handheld or a console....
:blink: you have to be 18 to go to E3?!? WTF???
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THe device is supposed to have mp3-capabilities and you´d need memory cards that and fore savegames, so getting homebrew stuff on there might not be impossible.
E3 is a trade show, which means no one under 18 (including babies)

--also industry only, not open to the public. Take it from one who's been kicked out! Though it is possible to sneak in, despite age + occupation - lots of security everywhere though.
E3 is a trade show, which means no one under 18 (including babies)

--also industry only, not open to the public. Take it from one who's been kicked out! Though it is possible to sneak in, despite age + occupation - lots of security everywhere though

although this is true there have been celebrities under 18 in there. so if anyone here is a child star than you can go!... but maybe you need to be invited. :unsure:
Sony's all hype, either it will:
a. be nothing like they said and probably be able to barely handle ps1 ports
or b. be like 300$ and fail horribly.
I'm willing to bet it'll look nothing like that.

It will also sell millions because it's Sony.

Also, the psp shown in an earlier post (the small one with the fish on the screen) was shown in real life (someone holding it) and that screen is DEFINATLY cut out with safety scissors and glued onto a cardboard mock-up with a 29 cent glue stick.

So that come to about $2 (retail) in:
1: Safety Scissors
2: Gluestick
3: Paper for the screen from one of those Iraq dollars with saddam on it (now being hauled away and burned by the US government).
4: Cardboard from sony exec's home *COUGH - BOX*
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I'm willing to bet it'll look nothing like that.

It will also sell millions because it's Sony.

Also, the psp shown in an earlier post (the small one with the fish on the screen) was shown in real life (someone holding it) and that screen is DEFINATLY cut out with safety scissors and glued onto a cardboard mock-up with a 29 cent glue stick.

So that come to about $2 (retail) in:
1: Safety Scissors
2: Gluestick
3: Paper for the screen from one of those Iraq dollars with saddam on it (now being hauled away and burned by the US government).
4: Cardboard from sony exec's home *COUGH - BOX*
wait do you mena the one extremegamer has?? or the one that has fish you mention both your confusing me and the one extremgamer has is a modded ps1 or somethign...
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Hmmm, I've heard so much good sh!t and bad sh!t about this thing that I don't really know how it will do. BUT you have to admit if they do actually change the RAM to 32MB instead of the horribly little 8 then it could have a chance of being a HUGE success ...even without all the billions of PS fanboys. ;)
--also industry only, not open to the public. Take it from one who's been kicked out! Though it is possible to sneak in, despite age + occupation - lots of security everywhere though.

my bro's best friend (he's in the industry) could like invite 10 ppl for it :-)
The PSP concept model looks like there's no room for you to fit your hands round it properly, to support it. I prefer this design.
seems like its getting away from the "portable" sense, i mean, all this flip top, these pictures and everything making this thing out to be huge, i guess you won't be able to fit it into a pocket and will probably have to buy a laptop case to carry it around in.
Both the link I posted, and the flash animation one are NOT official designs, and have no effect on the final design. The sony concept is just that, a concept. No final design has been set yet. Although, with the size screen they are proposing, its not likely to be hyper-compact anyway. But I DEFINITELY want the larger screen. Playing any console after the snes, and even some snes games, on a small screen can be sheer agony.
8MB is plenty of RAM for a system like that. PSOne only had 2MB and games like Ridge Racer and such were totally loaded into memory. (You could even eject the CD and not have to insert it again)

It will in no way effect commercial games quality. It's only really the home scene that demands more, because it's much easier for Emulator writers to just load a whole ROM image into memory. In a commercial game, 8MB would hold a pretty big level, not taking into account the advantages of procedural geometry, streaming etc..

Of course, the more the better, but I personally would rather the PSP be affordable to the mass market.
the 32MB memory is DEFINITELY needed for PS2 game ports. Think of the difference between PS1 games and PS2 games. They NEED the extra memory. And its not really that much extra for the memory. If a 256 stick of ram is about £20, then a single 32MB chip from one if those fill be about 1/8 that. About £3. Not much extra for a whole bundle of extra games compatability.
A little off topic, but the quote in the link that EdZ posted that said "We got older, Nintendo didn't" is exactly right. I want to fucking kill nintendo; i bought the gamecube on the standard that i have always had nintedo consoles and the games were ok. But these games like Mario Sunshine and Zelda windwaker are so baby-ish its not even funny.