Sony PSP design


Oct 26, 2003
This is gonna hurt the gp32 AND the zodiac ALOT if it catches on.... if you look really (REALLY) closely you can see that it has a cpu that can do 1 to 333 mhz (but only 2mb of ram hmm....) built in wifi and mpeg4 decoder plus a whole bunch of other shit i was too lazy to read....

EDIT: go here to see that it also has a 166mhz dedicated GPU and a whole lotta everything else.

NOTE: Shitty sony will probobly (<-?) keep it closed source, but only slows things down in the end....
It´s supposed to have 8MB of ram, but I´ve heard they are going to extend it to 32MB, making PS2-ports possible.
ROFL, like THAT will be a PSP design... Or if it's even possible. (The analog stick just somehow pops up, lmfao. I love that) Please tell me sony didn't make that animation officially. lmfao...

remember PS2's claims of 50+ Million polygons per second? I think PSP will be the same way (Not saying it's a bad system, it'll just be borderline LIED about to sell it better, and hyped)
"No sir, I dont like it."

Eh, I dont think they can fit alllll those different neccessities into that small of a system, and by gosh, if they can, i think it will be trying to play a game with the controller with the consistency of a piece of cardboard. (TOOOOOO thin!!)
Also, HOW big with this sucker be once the protruding speakers and controls pop out? I have my doubts, seriously, especially at the starting price. :angry:

P.S. Handhelds NEED Control pads. At least a sort of 0ne.
That is only Lik-Sang's vision of the PSP. Sony hasn't released any official designs for the portable system yet. In other words, Lik-Sang just threw together something cool-looking which in all probability will look NOTHING like the real PSP. Also, I'm kinda doubtful about the 333Mhz processor and the "Up to 33 million poly/sec". Pocket PCs with 333Mhz processors run up to $300, and if I remember correctly, the PS2 is capable of 50 million polygons. And Sony's trying to design a handheld that can handle 33 million? I wonder if this thing's gonna cost any more than the PSX ($1000), but by looking at the features they're trying to incorporate, I wouldn't be surprised if they axe half the 'features' before it launches.
LOL is what I thought when i saw that animation, but o well. Never gave the analoge stick a thougt though... good point ;)
Sure PS2 can do 50 million polys per second.........If un-textured and static :P

It's around 12-15 million in reality.

PS. Yeah, the analog stick is hilarious. it's like *fold out* *SPROING*
I already have one, here check this out..
:P :P :P :P
Do any of you remember that BRINGOUTTHEGIMPS version of the PSP, it was an old computer monitor/Genesis3 thing spliced together. Can anybody pull that pic up or can you post it again Gimp. that was funny as hell.
lets see how many times we can post that picture over and over again.
Pocket vib ribbon. kewl.

Anyway, it only takes Sony's proprietary discs (UMD) so it's immediately not going to be any better than GP32 or Zodiac, because the games will all be expensive and there will be no proper scene.
no i heard that the disc´s are realy cheap to produce so that a game could cost 30 €....
concept... all concept (so mostly making up) just have patience till q4 2004 (or some lucky guys who go to the E3, including my bro :angry: and not me since im 17 <_< and you need to be 18)

just like nintendo with their new project -> only one thing they released about it

'movement' (wow thats a lot) and that isnt a handheld or a console....