Genesis Emualtor

awwww.. . . if you get any luck with this request please let me know - im hungry for this emu!!!!!

cheers gary
And if you have any luck with this request please let me know... so we can announce it to the developers and never let that person have a private beta again. People releasing private betas can kill an emu's development!
same here! all i want is portable sonic and I'm happy. The sms emu is good but isn't cutting it for sonic games.
Some trusted people have been allowed to see the initial version of the Genesis/Megadrive emu, perhaps for Bug finding, Gameplay, and other valid testing reasons. I am not one of them. The author is completely justified in doing this. If in his opinion, he is not ready to release this publically then so be it, it's his perogative. I too would love to see a Megadrive on the GP32, and if we stop bugging the author me may well do so, if as seems the case lately we bug him and bug him we may never EVER see this.

So basically, have patience wait and maybe just maybe the "putting on the map" EMU will be released.

Thing's aint that bad anyway, most Megadrive games can be found on other already available systems, Sonic on SMS is pretty good, maybe not quite up to Megadrive BUT, it's the same game, gameplay and buzz from playing it, and this is the case for most games.

So we should just have patience, hone our skills on similar games and keep our fingers crossed that we have not already pissed of the author so much that we'll never see the EMU.

<Catches shoe on a nail as he steps down from the soap box, smashing his face into the floor in the process - OUCH! >


I'm not saying we should be bugging the author for the private release, I'm just stating my thoughts on how much I would love a genesis emu. The last thing I want to do is piss off the person who could make my dream come true.
And I agree with you too, I would love to see the Megadrive on the GP32, as with most thing, the Megadrive was arguably inferior the the SNES (the later SNES games probably confirm this) but it had the better games and it's games that sell consoles.

I read somewhere else though that Zardos is no longer working on GP32, and he is/was the author AFAIK of the Megadrive EMU doing the private rounds, so we may not be seeing the Megadrive EMU any time soon, inless someone else picks up the mantle



Have to make do with Atari (ST / 2600) then.... :D :D :D :D :D :D
Rainman posted on Apr 22 2003 said:
-drool-..........Gunstar Heroes.........-drool-
hell yeah!!

but as it's obviously gonna take a while for the MD EMU to surface, i did notice that Gunstar Heroes was also released on the Game Gear

i don't know how good it was though...i've been searching for it for ages, but can't find it anywhere :(

has anybody played/have the Game Gear version of Gunstar Heroes?
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The best I've done is seen a screenie, and a shot of the box for Gunstar Heroes. I don't think the game was ever released, except to be auctioned as a one-off type of thing. Whether anyone's made a dump of it yet, I don't know; I suspect it'd be more prolific if they had.
i have gunstar for GG - -- i just loaded it onto my brand spanking NEWWWWWW gp32 (with a light in it!) that i got this evening!

the rom's not too terribly hard to find.. get in touch with me (not on this forum) and perhaps I can give you a hint where to look.

considering the platform, it's a well-done translation - very nice!!
This is not meant personally MrT. But everybody is always stressing so much, that
we have to be nice to the EMU developers, and NEVER EVER ask them for public
releases, since they could get scared away and won't ever return.

I think sometimes the "trusted people" are just taking this to far... These developers
are normal people, not little schoolgirls, and the impatience of the people shouldn't
make them run away crying, but incite them to do the best work they can!

It is understandable that these guys get bugged alot by the folks, and that we
should all be patient and grateful. The developers are doing ALOT for the community
and the GP32! But it's also perfectly normal that the people are eagerly awaiting the
releases of new EMUs like the one for the Megadrive, and in most cases they get just
no information at all.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not one of the guys who just want to profit from the work
of others for free, without delivering my share. In fact, I'm an OSS developer myself,
and I know the spirit of the open source scene.

But in my opinion, the term open source does also imply open information politics. It
should be in the interest of the developers to inform the scene, so that the scene
can give feedback to them. But instead, everything is kept so confidential. You even
hear rumours about held back source codes, private releases and developers stopping
their work without anyone knowing what happens to their code.

I mean, there are so many GP32 news sites on the net... So if there is a private beta release,
why can't someone write a review about it? Just so that people know about the state of the
project and the progress it has made. Zardos has quit working on his EMU? Make it a big
headline! With an interview if possible! This is what keeps a cool open source scene alive!

This is just my personal opinion... I hope you got my point, since my english is quite
imperfect. Sorry bout that. ;)

tapsel is right, i think people just want to see something if anything about this rumoured emu. I think people wouldnt post so much about it if there was some kind of input from the developper or a beta tester, like a review or a few screenshots.

I think its unfair to expect people especially new ones to this forum not to ask a lot about it when theres just rumour and no facts or them.
I totally agree.

I am not selfish. I don't think it's my right to have a MD emulator, I don't pester developers for one, I don't expect one.

But if it's in beta, why can't we have official confirmation of that? All these rumours going around ... what would be wrong with a news story on gp32x saying "MD emu currently through beta testing!". If it's in beta, what's wrong with a screenshot?

Now you could say, I have no right to any of this news either, and you'd be right, but I really don't see what the developer(s) is gaining by keeping everything secret and unknown. If anything, news would increase the popularity and knowledge of the emulator.

There is no proof that the emulator even exists, to be honest. Why allow yourself to be called a liar? Why spend all this time working on an emu, and not tell anyone about it officially, just so people can think you're bullshitting them?

I don't see the logic.

If ZardosJ has really stopped working on the emu ... I hope he didn't leave all that work in the trash. I hope he passed it on, or plans to open source it, else it would be a terrible waste. Someone else would have to start from square one.

- Rico

p.s. My thanks to Zardos and the MD devteam, if you're working on this, I'm not attacking you, I'm just calling for some news.
mu4prem posted on Apr 21 2003 said:
I have heard from various sources that the private release Genesis emulator is quite common on various people's machines, and may never be released publicly. If someone could point me in the right direction or send it me I would be very grateful.
I'm one of the people who stress being nice to developers (I'll let you in on a secret... I do not have a SINGLE private beta/demo, so its not because I have something you don't), but my complaints don't so much go for the "don't ask for news/say how great it would be" thing. Encouragement is fine, demanding a product is rude. I'm also a believer in constructive criticism... but not "why does XXX game not work" or "put some sound in there, your emu suxors". 95% of the posts here are not simple "I would love a Genesis Emu, it would rock, anyone who does it is the best" but rather demanding posts of "Someone make me a Genesis Emu because I want it". Its a free forum and anyone can post anything they want to, but being an obnoxious snot does NOT encourage people to develop things.

As for this thread, lets look how it started:

This isn't encouragement, or a request for news. This is someone wanting a PRIVATE beta released to them just because... they want it. MrT, and myself in an early post, are not saying no one deserves any news, but rather if someone develops something, its still in beta, and they don't want it released to the world, it is THEIR choice, and people crying for the beta to be released publicly when it is known to be private is inconsiderate.

For my part, I would love a Genesis/MD emu and hope that someday one is released. As hypocritical as it is, if the beta is ever leaked widely (and its usable) I'll even use it until someone develops a better one (I may think leaking it sucks, but once its out I'm not into self-denial!) In the meantime, there are so many systems and games for the GP32 that I can easily find something to play, as I'm sure everyone can. Patience!

Again, my two cents and I know many of you fall on both sides of the issue.
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I'm glad that you guys back me up... I feared to get torn apart in the air.

Look at the main GP32 news sites like this one, GP32emu or GP32news.
They are all nicely done, and frequently upgraded, but most of the project
sites are very lacking in information, dead, or they don't even exist.

So I usually browse this NG to keep track of what I can expect from my GP32
in the future. I don't want to learn about a MD emulator just the day it gets
released (although it would be a very nice surprise :D). There is much rumour
floating around, which is usually a sign for a lack of hard facts. And it's just downright
annyoing when you read through all these posts from someone asking about some
unreleased emulator (GBA, MD, NGP, etc.) , hoping for news, and all the information
you get is "If you're nice boys and girls, and stop begging for it, you might get it someday.
Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in a month, perhaps never. Now knock on wood, cross your
fingers, pray for it, and then be quiet!"
I basically agree with your point of view, Arutha.

Some people think that it is their right, assured under constitutional law, that they can
get hold of the MD emu beta, if there is one. But these guys are rather seldom.

People usually don't write "Make me one, I want it.". I would be the first to tell
them, "go fuck yourselves"! Most of the people just ask "Is someone working on it,
and if, when is it going to be released?", since there is no information to be found
except the rumours in the NGs.

I think that the guy you quoted asked a perfectly valid question. If there are rumours
about a "private release Genesis emulator" which should be "quite common on various
peoples machines"... why shouldn't you try to ask for it nicely? Just because it's private?
Well, why is it private after all? And if you get a "NO, you can't have it, because you are a
untrustworthy prick!", well, then it was at least worth a try!

If you don't want people to ask such questions, write a news article like that:
"Several trusted people were sent a beta of the Genesis Emulator ___ for testing
and bugfixing reasons. The EMU reportedly works ___, at a framerate of about
__ fps, with__ sound. Compatibility is quite ___ with it running ___ games. Please
DO NOT ask for it, since it's a private release! At the current state of development,
it's ___ possible that there will be a public release ___." [Fill in the gaps]

As long as noone really informs the people about such issues, they will ask
the same questions over and over again, and that's where they start bugging the
developers and the advanced NG users.
I do not take your comments personally Tapsel, and as for your English, well it's as good as mine, and I have been trying to write English mot of my life, and I would not know where to start writing or spaeking Swiss so you're ahead of me there.

I agree with your points too, I was more aiming my response at those jokers that demand, demand, demand.... and yet deliver nothing themselves.

I am so grateful for the so far excellent freebies that are available and hope against hope that these continue... I work in IT, but I'm not a dev'r, just one of those bloody analysts, and was one a tester, so my input is little to none, except helping out noobs if they get stuck (when I can) and playing the excellent GP32 stuff that is so far unbelievable.

Another thing about this community that I like, we can have a rant and rave whenever but we all seem to have a common the love of the GP32, and whilst we disagree on one topic, we turn the page and we are agreeing like brothers on the next

All the best everyone - and long live the GP32
