Premodded Ericsson chatboards.


Apr 20, 2003
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I am thinkin very seriously about selling premodded chatboards. I am in the UK and would be willing to ship to the US. im thinking of making about 10 at the moment. They would cost about £6 or £7, tho you can make your own suggestions about what you are willing to pay and i will take them into consideration.

Please display your interest below. :)

edited 19:37 GMT
like i said in the other thread, i would by one...
im from germany...
but i dont want to spend over 20€ for it

This sounds great, I'm up for one for sure.

I don't mind paying whatever you think is fair for a chatboard that i can plug straight in and use with Mr Spivs drivers.

Lets hope enough people are interested! :) I'm in the UK btw.
Eh, I have just bought a CHA-01 for modding so I guess I will have to try to mod it myself. Nice offer you have made, though the price is a bit high, my CHA-01 cost me about 3.5EUR, but maybe the connectors are expensive over there...
i could make it a bit cheaper but then my profit margin goes down and my work is worth less, plus if i sell them cheaper i need more people to buy to break even and i do NOT want to make a loss out of this, breaking even is ok, but as im sure everone else knows, money is better :P
im starting to go off the idea, altho i could literally go into production in a few days as i have all the suppliers sorted out, there just isnt enough interest or money to be made, i may still go ahead with making 10 and sell them close to cost price to those who cant do it themselves but i will not be making many if at all. i would imagine they will be about £5 or 6 plus postage if i make them.
none at the moment that i am aware of, i think most people are buying it on the strength that support wil be added to some emus that use keyboards which seems likely
none at the moment that i am aware of, i think most people are buying it on the strength that support wil be added to some emus that use keyboards which seems likely
probably with the keyboard, the idea of having an internet browser, even though there is no publicly available cell phone option, as shown at the 2002E3 *accordining to old articles i have read

but hey, someone may mod their cell-phone and RF moduel so the browser is like a 2-player game, cell phone is player 2, sending info from internet to player 1
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yo first post here,
happy to find a true community forum and one that proposes chatboards!:P

Im about to sell my 6600 phone and buy a gamepark instead, i know i will buy one of those modded keyboards because i'm sure winds up will have support for them soon ; with this accessory the console becomes really a cool tool too!lol thats funny :D
i could do with a kb for the agenda, text editor and so on...i could prewrite mails in the public transports or anywhere else actually and then maybe one day send it too but i dont see that happening soon seeing how gamepark seems stagnant...
Its funny i found a supplier in 30secs in google who sells them at 0.5 euro a piece!!!:o....minimum buy 1500 though !;)

Anyway peace to you all

|grow hard fight on |