Euro Firm ware.. and other boot ups.. Please read.


May 15, 2003

need some help and info. I have GP32, GP cinema etc..! I use smart card reader to transfe files...


I dont like to boot GP32, then free loader then the progs etc.. as this takes time. I wanted to know IF i could do way with free loader, as every time i want to refresh my card, i have to use pc link to install free loader.. then use this to run the progs.

I know the euro firmware does away with the boot loader.. but can i use multi firmware as a better option.

Whats peoples perception on this topic..?
Definetly use multi-firmware because then you could use Wind-Ups and the original FW. With wind-ups, right when you turn the gp32 on, it goes to your desktop, and from there you can quickly choose the desired program to launch easily and quickly.
well with multi-firmware you can select what firmware to start-up in, but everyone loves Wind-Ups
Multi-Firmware is in the site's firmware replacement section, all you got to do is run the FXE*on your GP32* and it all set
Pacrom is also included in multifw, and is much more powerful (as a launcher) than wind-ups. With both wind-ups and pacrom you're straight into an fxe launcher, but with the euro fw you still have to select something before you get your file list.
but everyone loves Wind-Ups
Actually, I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, I think it's an excellent piece of software, but I just don't think that a wimp interface works without a mouse.
Thanks guys....

I guess you need to install windups onto your SMC as well. So all your icons and stuff have to be saved onto the smc. If you erase your smc then you loose all settings..??

This means if you want to keep the formats and settigns, ythen you need a copy of the files right...?

NOW WHATS THE POWER DIFFERENCE between windups and pacrom.. Similar but differnt user interface..?


Just flashed it... looks good..!

wow to me that flashing fimware and stuff seems really confusing. and cant u ruin your gp32 if u do it wrong? is it worth trieng?
If you're happy with the way your gp works then I wouldn't bother flashing because there is a risk involved. However, it is a fairly small risk and as long as you have new batteries things should go smoothly. I wouldn't recommend flashing on a regular basis though 'cos sooner or later something is likely to go wrong (like it did with NiN).
Best way I think is to use MultiFW2, defaulted to Pacrom, and get Pacrom to auto-load YAFL.

YAFL is like Wind-ups, but it's a single file, creates all the icons for you from the FXE files, can categorise them into things like Emulators, Games, Apps, etc and it'll even remember the last category/app you loaded just in case you like your snes stuff, etc :)

Well worth flashing for (ooerrr :o ) IMO, but you can use it via freelauncher if you wish.

It's the method I currently use.
Just flash it, it boots in less then a second afterwards. It´s soooo nice.