What did you get for XMAS


Nov 30, 2003
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What did you get for XMAS?
heres the stuff I got:
XBOX Games: the hobbit, midtown madness 3, whiplash, vexx, simpsons hit and run, spiderman, alter echo, TY, Maddash Racing
PS2 Games: TH:underground, fatal frame 2, SSX3, ratchet and clank goin commando, Need for speed underground
Gamecube: Mario Kart Double Dash, Wrestlemania XIX
PC Games: Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, Enter the matrix
DVDs: pirates of the carribean, the hulk, X-men 2
and a bunch of clothes and other good stuff

(by the way, I open all the gifts my grandparents get me on Xmas eve and my parent's on Xmas morning...Im NOT rich :P )
I got some basic stuff:
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 4 Disc DVD set
Dune: Machine Crusade hardcover edition
Drakkar Noir
Half of a GameCube (I paid the other half myself)
a Dropkick Murphys jacket
a few carved gemstone wolf statues from friends
a native warshield with a wolf painted on it
and a painted wolf carved rock thingy

Yes, I have an obsession with wolves. ;)
- A AU$160 electric shaver
- XBOX Beast Pack (XBOX Live 2 months trial, 2 S-Type controllers, Midtown Madness 3, Brute Force, DVD remote, and of course, the XBOX)
- AU$1000
- Wireless XBOX controller
- Futurama Season 1 DVD set
- Clothes and stuff

With the thousand bucks I'm probably gonna get a TV. I've already ordered in a Chameleon XBOX modchip. Probably gonna pick up an 80gig HDD for the XBOX as well.
bmd3287 posted on Dec 26 2003 at 04:56 AM said:
I guess Swiss Cheeseman was REALLY good this year :D LOL
It was my 18th birthday on the 18th (heh), so I was expecting some mad presents, especially since my family was acting pretty weird.

I really need that modchip soon. My brothers xbox has one and it is incredible how much more useful it becomes with it.
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I didn't get much, only $200 bucks and some movie certificates, but I spent $250 on presents for my friends...
slippers! god dam slippers and christmas jumpers!
socks, for ***** sake! if i wanted socks id buy them myself, im gettin the feelin nobody likes me.

ive give up all hope of a new car! lol.

X2 dvd from a friend. I'm not an Xmen fan, but I was still very happy to receive it! :) Merry Christmas!
GP32 FLU, 256MB DDR SDRAM, a cool flece, and for some reason, several boxes of deodorant. Are my family and friends trying to tell me something? :D

Oh and Swiss_Cheeseman, you don't need a modchip to play copied games. Use the mechwarrior save-state workaround, install the new dashboard, and install linux (optional). No opening of the machine required.
belgian beers, canadian club whiskey, australian wine and a few other bottles of some sort.... oh yeah becharovka from czech republic! Lovely
Nomad Zen NX mp3 jukebox (my richy dad)
Cheap mini fridge (mum)
Alan partridge season 2 DVD
Memento DVD
Dildo shaped vacuum flask
Talking bottle opener and BEER
Private eye subscription
Rubics Cube
Magic one size fits all gloves
Weird novelty voice recording pen
A few different bits of chocolate
Some jelly beans
About £70 off random people.
Books: Flatland
Big Science questions
- Book about golf-rules
- Gamecube game Resident Evil (wanted it for ages)
- Headphones

I'm happy with that, although it isn't too much :)
Main thing is that I had one hell of a time yesterday: nice people, nice mood, nice dinner, nice everything. That counts more than presents imo ;)
EdZ posted on Dec 26 2003 at 10:36 AM said:
GP32 FLU, 256MB DDR SDRAM, a cool flece, and for some reason, several boxes of deodorant. Are my family and friends trying to tell me something? :D

Oh and Swiss_Cheeseman, you don't need a modchip to play copied games. Use the mechwarrior save-state workaround, install the new dashboard, and install linux (optional). No opening of the machine required.
I'm well aware of that, but I want to try out XBOX Live, and if I want to mod my XBOX, i need to use a chip.

Also, I'm going to replace my HDD anyway, so there goes my warranty for that. I usually void the warranty of everything I touch. ;P

Oh, and because I got a newer XBOX, I think that the dashboard is the newer patched version, so I wouldnt be able to BO it.

lol install linux problem xbox heug lol
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i got:
driving licence
Zelda Collectors Edition
Some Clothes
and some small other stuff

and i got a bba for the gamecube on tuesday, not really a present, since i bought it for myelf :D
but this thing rocks :D
I got some a freeview box for my room, some clothes, a new rash vest, some cash and a bopit extreme! Anyone else got a bopit? Iv only messed about with it 4 a day so im inteding on improving my 81 high score. Not bad for the first day i thought tho :). I got some other nick nacks 2, like a hammer with a bottle opener where the claw bit usually is :).