What did you get for XMAS?
heres the stuff I got:
XBOX Games: the hobbit, midtown madness 3, whiplash, vexx, simpsons hit and run, spiderman, alter echo, TY, Maddash Racing
PS2 Games: TH:underground, fatal frame 2, SSX3, ratchet and clank goin commando, Need for speed underground
Gamecube: Mario Kart Double Dash, Wrestlemania XIX
PC Games: Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, Enter the matrix
DVDs: pirates of the carribean, the hulk, X-men 2
and a bunch of clothes and other good stuff
(by the way, I open all the gifts my grandparents get me on Xmas eve and my parent's on Xmas morning...Im NOT rich
heres the stuff I got:
XBOX Games: the hobbit, midtown madness 3, whiplash, vexx, simpsons hit and run, spiderman, alter echo, TY, Maddash Racing
PS2 Games: TH:underground, fatal frame 2, SSX3, ratchet and clank goin commando, Need for speed underground
Gamecube: Mario Kart Double Dash, Wrestlemania XIX
PC Games: Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, Enter the matrix
DVDs: pirates of the carribean, the hulk, X-men 2
and a bunch of clothes and other good stuff
(by the way, I open all the gifts my grandparents get me on Xmas eve and my parent's on Xmas morning...Im NOT rich