What did you get?

I have one of those (robots) got it for 25 shipped when TI made a mistake with their coupon codes. It has been collecting dust since, I have been hoping for someone to make a way to interface it with an Arduino so I can work on learning one language and piece of hardware at a time.
I have one of those (robots) got it for 25 shipped when TI made a mistake with their coupon codes. It has been collecting dust since, I have been hoping for someone to make a way to interface it with an Arduino so I can work on learning one language and piece of hardware at a time.

Well mine is collecting dust, but that is from the floor i should clean more often :P

And this kit came with a 900 page book on an RTOS (uC/OSIII) and sample experiments. Fun stuff ;)

PDF and experiments can be found here, you only need to register.

And i am thinking about building some addons, will post here if i have anything worth showing.